We tend to get all the sMackins we deserve.
We tend to get all the sMackins we deserve.
I object to the idea that money flows from confidence. It’s usually the other way around. Tons of wealthy people are downright neurotic (and *that* is what drives them) until they get “fuck you” rich.
I get my narcissistic bosses fired. I went to therapy for years to deal with my mother who is narcissistic enough to have left me to raise myself at 12. At this point in my life I want to punish those that exhibit the behavior over me at work. One place I worked the boss took as much credit for the teams work as…
Libertarianism is like astrology for men.
Your logic is impeccable, very sound.
Indeed. Donny President is acting like a petulant child, breaking toys because he isn’t getting his way.
I don’t think things “get through” to him anymore. What’s that ol’ saying? “Can’t teach a septuagenarian dog new tricks.” Something like that.
No, of course not. Trump doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Can you guys just go full bore and get a ‘POLITICAL’ page (Polimodo?) and move all this stuff over to it? I’m so tired of surfing to Gizmodo to look at tech news or Lifehacker to look at cool tips, tricks, and recipes, and getting politics. It’s the equivalent of your neighbor’s loud music irritating your quiet…
If you look at the world as some purely binary experience. Which its not.
I see Betsy DeVos curriculum is making the rounds.
I appreciate you racist hicks bending over backwards to demonstrate how stupid you are.
PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.
I think the emotional response is nice - but it fails in my book.
I’m sure this type of behavior will be addressed in an executive order in no time.
Yeah, but eventually I’ll be able calm down.
That'll teach me to have unfounded preconceptions.
that they're not bigger or claw-ier?