
When this question is asked on forums around, the top answer is usually Irreversible.

Good job at not addressing the point I suppose. Why anyone would advocate for directly not doing something that would cause zero harm but would be good for some people is a mystery to me. Empathy is hard I guess.

I’m kind of the opinion that Filoni should be put in charge of the Star War story universe ala Kevie Feige.

Why the blatant spoiler? I’m genuinely asking. Why not just have the title be something like “Why Rebels Didn’t Wait Until The Finale To Kill This Important Character” and just have the main image be a random promo shot of the crew?

And how come the force ghosts in Star Wars aren’t naked? It’s not like their clothing died.

“Obi-Wan: No Jedi Ever Fucked Up More.”

This. Ass marketing will make people pass on something excellent.

Lucas’s treatment involved the Jedi Temple being destroyed, but that was all in its own movie. It didn’t have Luke trying to kill his nephew beforehand and then running away to hide forever. Rian destroyed that character so bad Mark Hamill cried over it.

Goddammit. Disney gets to make whatever story they want, I get it, but this is not the story I want. I’m not interested in a Luke that wants to sever his connection to the Force. It flies in the face of everything he did in the OT and who he is.

Stop trying to change the subject with the whataboutism. The focus is on President Trump, his personal lawyer Cohen, and all the lies and bullshit surrounding them.

But @crosis101, you’re years of study weren’t wasted. You’re STILL “king of the nerd hill” just a more exclusive and now perhaps esoteric section of it, which only adds to the nerdiness of it all.

All hail the king! ;-)

Capitalism, baby. It’ll do that to ya.

How much is a)untreated mental illness and b) a narcissist with an album coming out who can’t stand not being the center of attention.

Pills. It’s the pills. Probably not the lithium, he’s definitely not taking the lithium.

How much of this is Kanye stirring the pot for PR for new album? Many still believe that bad PR is still PR.

It really almost doesn’t even matter.

All I know is I’m done.

I think its pretty much a consensus that Kanye struggles with mental illness (bipolar being one of the top candidates). A severe manic episode can look like a psychotic break. Sprinkle in some narcissism and some wealth, and you got Kanye.

Truth be told we started losing Kanye when he lost his mom and found the Kardashians soon after.

The problem is not him running for whatever he thinks he’s capable of doing, he has dreams, whatever, the problem are the people voting for this very unfit for everything persons.