
This guy farts.

Fuck Bud Adams

He was the perfect VP in the Dan Quayle style. A likeable buffoon who gave the right amount of gaffs to keep us amused but always slightly thankful for the health of the president. 

Please don’t soil the good name of Donkey Doug with your bad takes.

Sanders shot back: “It’s not a business!”

It’s even better if you mix up the letters. ‘This Nate Peterman Is Growing On Me’ in an anagram for ‘Warmongering Penis Neath Some Tit’

In my state, Illinois, rural hospitals are also dying (slower because we took the Medicare expansion, but the overall issues are still there) and another horrible effect is that the conglomerate buying all of us (I work in one of those dying hospitals) is Catholic.  You can imagine how shitty that is.   Our

For those who are curious, I counted and he says “You know what I’m saying” 59 times in the video.

a very pronounced unibrow. I mean very pronounced.

Nice of J. Lo to have the cake customized for his personality.

A slice is for a mudpie

NYC knew who he was. We tried to warn all of you as did Hillary but hey her fucking emails right?

What the fuck difference does it make? NONE! These are violent little assholes, their appearance is irrelevant.

ed ballz

I’m in my mid forties and have a collaborative artistic relationship with a 25 year old woman who is insanely attractive.

100% expected his question for the next person to be “But seriously: who are your Guys?”


Wesley Skypes

If he played Trump at tennis it would look like two beluga whales flopping in a parking lot.

“Larsen declined to name the gang when I asked, citing a fear for his personal safety, having dropped out in 2007....a cursory Google search of Larsen’s name and review of court documents from his case revealed it was a neo-Nazi group known as the Low Riders.”

I’m sure he appreciated you connecting the dots for