
Two years ago, during that whole jackbooted attack on the citizens of Ferguson, I was mocked on Gawker for referring to the cops and conservatives as Nazis. Someone invoked Godwin’s Law, like “hur, hur, hur.” The loaughing changed after a day or to “Holy Fuck!” when then cops showed how little they cared for civilians

I came here to say the same thing. I suffer from degenerative discs in my spine. I’ve had 4 spinal surgeries and 3 knee replacements,among others, a total of 14 surgeries now. I have contractures in my feet and hands. I keep moving because if I don’t it hurts more than if I do. I have been  given the stink eye by

They look like bargain basement Stepford Wives who were road hard, put away wet, and left in the bright sun too long.

Instant karma was a joke, referring to the Trump voters who are upset to learn he’s going to take their White People’s Benefits (TM) away. You know, the benefits only whites are entitled to, not the ones handed out to the undeserving.

I had to share this.

Colin Firth is The Advocate sent to sit in hearing charges of witchcraft and other ecclesiastical crimes. A man and a donkey are hanged for commitng bestiality. Funny and sharp look a humans in all their complexity during a time of ruled by Plague and ignorance. Seems somehow appropriate.

Can you cite a source for that?

Instant karma, baby. It’s a bitch.

Eastern Oregon is right there with them. Never met so many racist, ignorant boneheads in my life.

We prob’ly need more cows, TW. The states with the most cows choose the president.

re: screen name

As an RN who has worked in corrections, adolescent and adult, on locked psychiatric wards, and with the dying, I can relate.

Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the uninspired and the inane.

I think you are the judgmental and manipulative person. I am tired of arguing with all the special snowflakes out there. You don’t like an author’s work? Don’t read it. Sheesh, come back when you have something of value to offer humanity besides your snotty little opinions.

I think any Legislature that supports and the Governors who propose this fekakta idea should be drug tested. And be put on a mandatory 72 hour psychiatric hold. Lizard people. It is the only explanation.

Why didn’t we let these bastards secede when we had the chance?