
Don’t get your knickers in a twist. Diana Gabodon, the author, is a meticulous researcher. See her notes on homosexual haunts in London in the 18th C in the Lord John novels. Time travel is a fantasy, yes, but there are numerous instances In our own time of male and female rape in the military. As I mentioned in

I wasn’t referring to Jamie being raped. I was referring to the violence directed at Clare. However, there are plenty of examples today of people abusing their power in monstrous ways. I think we tend to discount horrors visited on others because they make us uncomfortable. Do I like the violence? Hell, no, but as the

Try to remember that the degree of violence is historically accurate. Think of it as a documentary, thats how I handle it. It was a time when most of the land and resources were held by a small class of the wealthy aristocracy. Most people didn't travel more than 20 miles from home, making strangers very suspect. You

This is my main argument regarding abortion. I believe the Court erred in deciding Roe on the basis of privacy. I believe the prohibition on abortion is based on people’s religious beliefs and enforcing those beliefs under law is a violation of the Establishment Clause. This is a First Amendment issue. My religion

Wow, doesn’t look like a typical mugshot. Thanks.

A million hugs from this mom to you. I can’t even begin to imagine what you experienced. My kids are all grown and I still worry about them. I remember we were told to put the babies on their stomachs to sleep in the ‘80s. Kids are so fragile and it’s easy to blow off worry with the attitude of ‘ “Well it only affects

Our two minds beat as one. Seriously, how can you not?

Nurses and doctors are the worst. I’ve said and laughed at situations to keep myself from losing it with (literally) insane patients (Psych nursing is not for the timid) and doctors who presented as insane. I feel for the psycho-ceramics of mine.

How the hell did the judge decide that this wasn’t forcible rape?! She said no three times and held onto her underpants with both hands and he still raped her. WTF is forcible rape- does one have have to die defending oneself in order for the court to take this seriously? I want a woman run Congress, President, and

where’s that from?

My husband assures me that was the punishment in Missouri when he was a kid.

Now playing

When it comes to Westies, they put a lot of dog in a little body. I’m on my fourth one and they remain my favorite breed. They have funny personalities. My last one would literally break into conversations and try to talk. He was sure we could understand him.

Yeah, screw that princess stuff. It was Empress, Goddess, or Very Most Powerful Witch in the World. No point in starting at the bottom.

I see your Bichons and raise you some Westies. Sturdy little wire haired white terrier with the hugest black eyes. They are trainable if you are willing to learn how to speak Westie. Also, Westies talk and will watch tv and bark at all the scary animals for you.

I was 15 years old in ‘68 when this monster was elected. I couldn’t believe anyone was stoopid or deluded enough to believe any thing that came out of his scabrous mouth. I was too young to drive or own a car so I put my Impeach Nixon bumper sticker on my toilet seat lid that fall. People stopped teasing me in 1974.


Yes, I do. The Catholic church has gone to great lengths in its opposition to birth control and abortion. The church is directly responsible for the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and tens of thousands of other women around the world. The church doesn’t recognize the rights of the dying to refuse feeding

They want to take a gander at the games.