How very white of you.
How very white of you.
I am not making excuses for Muslims or Islam. There are evil people of every and no religion. I find the knee jerk reaction of Christians sickeningly hypocritical. Let’s see, we will write off the Crusades and the Inquisition (which was carried on in the New World as well as in Spain) since that was long ago and…
My current neighbors? No, my current neighbors are nice people. I’ve lived all over America. As a kid I was a Navy brat. I have met some dumb, homophobic, atavistic, white-Christian-misogynistic-racist-anti-semites in every state I’ve lived in. At my age you think I wouldn’t be shocked by how truly mean spirited and…
My experience with those protesters is that they’ve never had an intimate, nurturing relationship in their lives. If they weren’t so angry and vicious they’don’t be pathetic. I love how a counter protestor got rid of the lot in Portland by yelling about how PP cured her yeast infection. They can hold gross signs of…
The antis are so convinced that they are right that it is impossible to even discuss this with them. The anti movement is mainly fundy/evangelical and they BELIEVE this life begins at conception and confused their feelings for actual reason. I see abortion as a First Amendment issue. I am not Christian. My religion…
And the outcry is deafening when Christian terrorists strike. I am Jewish and have noticed most Holocaust deniers, not to mention most Nazis, Army of God, KKK, Aryan Nation, are Christian. When are all my neighbors gonna apologize to me?
Didn’t see that, so I don’t know..
Funny how they misinterpret the Old Testament so they can hate Jews.
SS ? Pius X? you poor kid.
I think Polanski gets sympathy because his wife was murdered along with the fetus she carried, by the Manson family. If that doesn’t get your heartstrings you haven’t got a heart. I have read Polanski never recovered from the loss. If you have any sympathy or compassion for survivors of the Holocaust then Polanski…
I am ridiculously fond of the mimic octopus. It imitates fish and snakes quite well. Since sea snakes are quite venomous it’s a smart camouflage. If Octopodi lived longer, they would rule the world. They are smart and curious. Scientists don’t have to bribe or entice them to explore their environments in captivity.
This really makes me crazy. Every time I see these men touchimg this woman I feel like screaming. This is one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in the last 50 years. I grew up watching protesters being beaten by angry cops and white racist locals. I had hoped never to see this hateful violence again in this…
More like dumb mean girls in middle school. No sense of humor and a chip on the shoulder.
I have gotten the feeling that with so many hundreds of years of fighting on the Continent that people sort of needed to gloss over the worst aspects or they would still be fighting. When I was in my 20s I met a number of older expats living in New England who had survived the war but had excruciating experiences in…
Don’t you love it when some mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, unsocialized, semi literate male tells you how the world should work? He probably lives in Mommy’s basement and thinks we should take him seriously because he’s a Man. And he’s so graciously demeaned himself coming to a females’ web site to explain the…
Americans prefer to be deaf and blind to the evils inflicted on all POC. A social worker told me that she didn’t understand the derision displayed by Native Americans when she questioned the history of smallpox blankets. I mean, isn’t it possible they didn’t know the blankets were contagious when they gave them to the…