
Unlike these women hating masses that make up the anti abortion gangs, I don’t believe in murder. I don’t cede to the state the right to murder a person. The only time taking a life is justified is when acting in self defense or the defense of others in jeopardy. Violence begets violence.

I heard horror stories about how the English oppressed my Irish ancestors and how Everyone oppressed my Jewish ancestors. As a child I watched the Civil Rights movement on television and saw my heroes assassinated. I couldn’t understand why the white Americans were so different from what I learned about my countrymen

only movie of his that was any good.

She was terrifyingly brilliant in that.

Red Pandas Forevah!

My theory is he’s pleasured everyone on the voting committee now and that explains his win. I have only seen one film with him in it that I liked. His voice is irritating and he sounds ridiculous when he tries to act as alpha male. It gets worse as he ages and no longer looks like his voice just changed.

NPR is good but can only do so much in depth reporting on political subjects in part due to a dearth of funding. They have a lot of different programs that are popular and displacing, say Prairie Home Companion, would rile a lot of listeners. They have to deal with the tender sensibilities of our Tea Party legislators

And get haunted by the menacing presence of Scalia’s ghost??!!! Why not just build homes on an Indian graveyard?

So much male privilege! Why didn’t the Orthodox man change seats? Because HE has a right to be wherever he wants to be. Women are only out in the world by male dispensation. I am Conservative/Reconstructionist and find the El Al request ridiculous and offensive. Men are supposed to be mature and educated in the law.

It was an accident. We saw these guys and they were all wearing dresses and hanging out with each other in the dunes. We thought they were gay. We wuz just trying to teach a lesson,we don’t want that crazy shit goin’ on here. I mean, come on, there are kids around. Anyway, I admit Freddie got a little out of hand, but

That’s what I loathe most about Christianity in general and evangelicals in particular. What hubris, to think that you KNOW the Truth while the rest of us are clueless. I am Jewish and have run into these clods-it’s always a skeevy bizarre experience. I had a neighbor whose kid and wife flinched whenever he looked at

Hello, stranger!

That’s why Oregon consistently has the highest turnout of registered voters. They’ve made the process easy.

You made me laugh so hard I scared my cat. Yes, been to Eastern Oregon and was glad to come home to Portland.

This is my only complaint about the process. When the Repubs drivel on about the “voter fraud” inherent in everyone but old white men voting I like to remind them of the 2012 elections. In Oregon, a poll worker was caught filling in votes for REPUBLICAN candidates on ballots where there were blank spaces. In fact, all

My youngest daughter, husband and I all walked precincts for his elections. I think there is a certain type of die hard reactionary who will troll the first Black, woman, non-WASP president the way they’ve come out of the wood work for President Obama. If Hilary or Bernie win, we should be prepared for an uptick in

Who is this goddess???!!!!

I watched Pioneers of Modern Painting by Sir Kenneth Clark in art school. Sir Kenneth had a British/Oxford accent that sounded like he was speaking with a mouthful of marbles. At the end of the film the instructor asked the students what they thought of the documentary. Nobody said a word. The instructor finally