
I love the bite beneath the giggles.

Gin is a state of mind.

Honestly, if I were in a closet with those two, you better believe there would be no lights on.

This old white lady thinks we have had a much better man in office than many of us deserved. History will look at all he’s done and all he’s put up with and it will judge him well. I would have nuked the republicans if I’d been in his place. It infuriates me that the drooling knuckle dragging inbred mouth breathing

Now playing

My mother was forced by her culture, religion, and the law to have me. Until I left home at 17 all I heard was how much of a burden I was. To you anti choicers, I wish you could feel what it’s like to be 62 years old and feel like you will never be worthy of love, that you are inherently unlovable. Being pushed away

I’m sorry they’re stoopid and you guys have to put up with them, but thanks for letting us Yanks know we aren’t the only ones with the maroons. Seriously, watching the GOP presidential campaign is like having relatives go on Jerry Springer. And everyone watching knows you are their “cousin”.

I am so glad to hear he felt safe telling you. You are a good father. I hope when they are older it will be for trans people like it is for us old feminists. Young adults can’t believe what it was like at the beginning of the women’s movement. They take all their freedoms and the social acceptance of women’s agency

My beautiful trans daughter tried to hang herself when she was 12 because of crap like this. I feel like crying for her whenever the hateful morons get busy like this. She’s ok now but she was in a lot of pain over it when she hit puberty.

Every time! If I don’t know I make something up! (jk)

Wow, I thought that only happened to me. No matter where I go, people assume that I work there, especially at nurseries and hardware stores.

I am short and I have spinal problems so bending and leaning into a shower to clean it is a pain. I use a deck brush and stand outside the shower to clean it. It is a lot easier.

I thought it was good insane fun. Not familiar with the character Deadpool beforehand. Loved the audience asides. Didn’t care for the Collosus character, the Eastern European trope was annoying.

White person with penis you must be.

I have been here for years and kinja keeps kicking back to grey.

They can be used for that in an emergency.

Koala males will rape a female koala in estrus if she is not interested in mating. I am permanently scarred from seeing a documentary complete with the demonic screaming which accompanies such performances.

Wait til the ammosexuals go nuts and they need tampons to close up bullet holes. Let’s see how the menz like the luxury tax.

Right after my husband retired the planes hit the Towers. Our lifetime savings and investments took a 40% loss like everyone else. Then the Republicans and Wall Street tanked the economy in 2008. We lost another 40% when Wall Street tanked a second time in less than a decade. We went from a comfortable retirement to