
Having spent my childhood as a navy brat, moving every 18 months, I had an up close experience with the extremes of locally funded and managed education from California to New England. I am quite aware of how much local prejudice affects the management of everything from setting the curricula to the daily minutia of

Why would you say that? I have insight and sources that you are not aware of.

Actually, what we need is a federal curriculum, a federal school board picking books and materials, and federally certified teachers. The problems in education are legion, to be sure, but the reason American education at k-12 is mediocre for most is the locals who are wrecking it. It is the locals who are insisting on

How do you not have 100 stars?

How horrible! One of many sins the Church has to pay for. I hate the whole madonna-whore duality, the wrench of guilt to the gut of every sexual moment a woman has.

I would give you a thousand stars if I could.

excellent work around!

I expect one day to read about all the women he tortured and murdered and buried in his basement.

Been there,

Absolutely! I discovered that if I looked these clods in the eye and said in a calm, steady voice,”You are hurting my feelings,” that they would finally apologize and shut up. Lots of people will respond defensively. “I am just saying...” Look them in the eye and make them OWN their behavior.

I was reprimanded for showing high school students how to use a condom whole I was staffing my agency’s booth at a county health fair. The pearl clutchers were sure that I was giving the children ideas. Sure, because kids would never think of having sex on their own, amirite? I solved the problem by giving the entire

It’s not effective in countries with low TB rates, your immune system needs to be challenged by exposure to provoke an effective response. If you have the vaccine you will ALWAYS have a positive reaction to the TB skin test. I have seen HORRIBLE, HUGE welts on patients who had the skin test not realizing they had been


Saying dumb shit like this with that smug expression on your face makes your face incredibly punchable.

I had a crush on him, Roger Daltry, when he was in The Highlander with Adrian Paul. He brought a warmth and a joie de vivre to the character he played that was so charming and sweet.

To be clear, that is the MICHIGAN EPA, not the feds.

Because the GOVERNOR HAS TO REQUEST FEDERAL AID. To be fair, the head of FEMA sent two observers in to be on hand should they be needed. The FEMA observers still needed to be requested before they could do anything.

I automatically deduct 30 points from a dude’s IQ when he’s wearing a too short tie.

Not to mention the terrifying attitude many hold that in cases where there is reasonable doubt, a defendant should still convicted because well,”Someone did this, someone has to be guilty.” Americans are uncomfortable with the idea that no one is ever found guilty of a crime. Most Americans think in terms of black and