
Class of ‘71! My daughter wore some of my old stuff to middle school for “Wear your favorite Decade Day”. It was so funny to see her wear my old bell bottoms, beads, peace sign necklace and embroidered shirt. She proudly announced to everyone “My Mom was a hippie!” (As if they didn’t know)

We would have treated the Iranians the exact same way if they had wandered into our territorial waters.The problem is Americans feel slighted whenever we are on the receiving end of another country’s laws. We need to get over that.We invented the myth of America only we have forgotten that we invented it. America:We

Absosofuckinglutely. She OWNED that film. I was blown away at the end. I am rarely so affected by a performance as I was by hers. She gave me the willies by the end of that movie.

I agree. I have never understood why anyone would pay this guy to act in any production. His voice is grating. He has an emotional range from 1-2.5 on a scale of 1-50. I just figured he gave great bjs to the right Hollywood types.

and now for something completely different, a man with three buttocks

did you ever read that Mark Twain story about the Prince of England's whipping boy?