
Are you fucking kidding me? These checks are supposed to be supporting people who have lost their income and need to pay for silly luxuries like food and rent. This is little better than the LA Lakers getting a PPP loan.

Are you fucking kidding me? These checks are supposed to be supporting people who have lost their income and need to

We didn’t try to drag you. We tied your figurative corpse to the back of the chariot and did laps around the goddamned Amazon warehouse with it.

We didn’t try to drag you. We tied your figurative corpse to the back of the chariot and did laps around the

Some hospitals are actually *asking* people to make homemade masks for them.

Is this how the Morlocks and Eloi are created?

“He mean  teeny-tiny friend” - Melania ;)

“what other job, anywhere, can you get where at some point in time you can NEVER be fired?”

If you think we spend too much on education, you need to look at what the military gets for a budget. Those are some seriously messed up priorities 

Tenure - it doesn’t mean what you think it means.  Tenured faculty can ABSOLUTELY be fired.

Another suggestion: a lot of the time, utilities bills online will let you pay with a credit card, and you can pay a specific amount.


$60 worth of stuff at CVS would be $30 anywhere else.

I feel it’s important to note one thing: the average person does not pay $7.69/mo in bank fees. The average person pays nothing in bank fees because, according to this same survey, 73 percent of people don’t pay any bank fees.


wheres kevin hart on this list?

Deadspin usually has sports?

People aren’t complete idiots

And his sidekick Montgomery Ward.

Last Sunday evening, I was watching old episodes of the Great British Baking Show with a face mask on