We did something similar when we were kids.
We did something similar when we were kids.
That's going to take some thought but top of my head favorites would be Dune and "The Story of Your Life." Ranking things and/or limiting to 10 (or 5 for 21st century) per category isn't going to be easy.
Four times if she has highly sensitive feet.
I believe his name is Lefty.
"White had adjusted the shape of Alcubierre's ring which surrounded the spheroid from something that was a flat halo to something that was thicker and curvier."
Am I the only one who sees the "sploop" at the end as a water droplet having a really bad day?
If post-apocalypse/dystopias are on the way out it leaves me wondering where are the bright shiny futures? Movies are too personal to really show that kind of world, I think, because they need to focus on the conflict to move the story forward and two hours doesn't leave enough time for world building, but what…
Would it rain down or just be a shower?
Really, only three? You're not being hyperbolic? That is sad but I will reserve judgment on whether the fault lies with you or your teachers.
He blinked. Poor Pooh.
Asymmetric humina humina is the best humina humina.
Since it seems I started the cavalcade, I will forgive you in song:
I was expecting to find Nancy Kress' Beggars in Spain series here.
Are you thinking of David Brin's Kiln People?
I was really hoping to find Ron Stoppable on this list.
Making jokes on Jezebel? Just say Dr. No.
I think I would have chosen a different first name. One day small children will be encouraged to give Granny Pussy a kiss.