
If you don’t want to piss me off, get the fuck out of my way.

I ate some quail eggs after a grass fire burned through and exposed their nests. Most of them were cooked about like a medium boiled chicken egg.

Microwave a potato until about half cooked (2 min or so) grate, salt, fry in butter. Simple,fast and good.


What’s with the hat the person wielding the spray bottle is wearing?

Chicken has to be drenched with something that has flavor to make it edible for anyone.

“Mama I’ve got a hot rod”-Black Oak Arkansas.

Good in mashed potatoes too. Be careful not too much.

Then explain to me how they exist here in Tempe Az.

I’ve yet to find a tasty tomato since I moved to Arizona from the PNW 4 years ago. Why people eat these things I don’t understand. And yes I’ve tried store,organic,farmer’s market and homegrown. Meh.

I thought potholes were all season.

Keys like the one at the beginning of the article are best. Can’t be locked inside, although that’s never happened to me in my 45 years of driving. Everything doesn’t have to be done for you!

Good idea. It’s amazing to me that it took til 1990 to get the ADA passed considering how many americans came home wounded from the constant warfare of the 20th century . And the ADA requirements are pretty minimal.

Any one can bring homemade chocolate chip cookies to my place anytime. Great with beers!

I’m all in,eat me!

I have more important things to bother thinking about, but here it is-I’m 60 and I’ve never burned my mouth while cooking and a wooden spoon doesn’t do  so well in the dishwasher so fuck it.

Depends on the spider and wasps don’t come out at night.

They kill spiders.

I didn’t see any pigeon actually harmed although any bird stupid enough to let a small child catch it deserves to be removed from the gene pool. My brother and I used to shoot birds with a BB gun when we were small. As far as I know neither of us are serial killers.

That was a good one, it didn’t play here, a simple search found it on YouTube.