Please don’t do that,I have bad knees.
Please don’t do that,I have bad knees.
Use a coffee filter whenever possible instead of the strainer and throw the garlic press away unless you’re feeling evil that day donate it to goodwill.
I guess I’m too old,I just learned a synonym for pussy fart.
I never tried it until a couple years ago. Was not impressed.
I was in Pullman Washington last summer staying about a block away from an event called the National Lentil Festival. Who’d have thought? The lentil chili was good, chased with a local beer of course.
Made me remember salt pills and the drinking fountain after football in high school because I couldn’t stand the taste of Gatorade.
Using a trailer ball for that is stupid. Being in the ‘bite’ is stupider.
The only unions that have any power in this country are police unions and they abuse it.
Thanks, the Five Thirty Eight article was a good read.
They are edible as far as that meaning digestible for a long time,palatable never.
McDonalds fries are never edible.
Fuck soccer.
You want a toe? I’ll get you a toe.
Probably all one can is keep an eye on those people. If someone is teaching their children to lie,cheat and steal over petty bullshit they can’t be trusted around yours or your other customer’ belongings.
I moved to Arizona 3 years ago and still can’t wrap my brain around how elections can be such a clusterfuck.
Should have proofed stares into starts
My beer appreciation essentially stares with a 6 pack.
Also I can get it anywhere and know exactly how much and what to put it on.
Also I can get it anywhere and know exactly how much and what to put it on.
Keep your dogs out of where I eat or I’ll go elsewhere. Simple.