I love sponsored posts in the morning, they smell like capitalism
I love sponsored posts in the morning, they smell like capitalism
You are not incorrect, but there are many cells in that prison.
Well good for you... my spouse is the same, but likes to back up those good thoughts with some in-depth interrogation.
Look for someone who will take you on no matter what you have said or done. Anything less than total, obsessive commitment (need?) will see you alone and likely worse off in every possible way. You don't get into a relationship to be judged (and ALWAYS found wanting).
That you know of... just sayin'
10 Years!?!? Alright! I made it to End Times whooo hoooo!!!!!
A spitter... rare, but it happens
Flyover people. Move on.
Sorry, I didn't read the article (and won't cause I got no young'uns), but I just had to post to express my joy and surprise that Jezebel is no longer being blocked in my Dick Chenyish "Undisclosed Location".
I have never seen an overweight alcoholic. True alcoholic, not just any liquor-head with a big thirst. So there is that weight loss approach if you really like to drink.
Frozen, yeah, gotta freeze em first
Beef or chicken stock watered down is a good treat for dogs in summer too (remember summer?0
Creepy is the word you're looking for.
What about the banning of smoking on planes? Or did I miss that one?
After reading this, congress is beginning to make sense.
I laughed, and felt all superior until I remembered that the very concept of it raining ice/freezing rain where it would coat everything and not melt was once foreign to me, being from Cali...
You know, I think he wasn't even acting in it... best film I have seen in a long time.
From my experience the country angle only matters if your income/asset base is in another currency. Once you go local, yeah, the difference as noted in your example between Ottawa and Vancouver matter.
Bey looks like, at some level, she is digging it. Well, worse comes to worse K&K, Hova and Bey can do a 4 way.