
Worst cosplay outfits ever. They’d get laughed out of Comic-con.

One cannot help but think there is a substantive Venn Diagram between the Proud Boys and the incels.

Why does guessing incorrectly allow you to punish the pledgemaster?

It’s not masturbation, it’s love-making. It’s different, so it doesn’t count.

Proud boys are racist, misogynist, backwards people who believe that libertarianism is the greatest thing in the land. They’re also notoriously pedophilic, which they try to cover with “um, actually, it’s hebephilia. The age of consent in so many progressive countries is, like, 15.”

Wait... what? I’m sorry, the last few years have completely borked my sarcasm detector... the cereal thing is real? I thought the “name breakfast cereals” was a joke. That’s... real? And it stems from one of them eating cereal with piss? And that stems from a HamNo piece?

We’re talking about a group founded by a guy who pissed in his cereal and ate it because HamNo told him to. I imagine the people who would follow that guy are capable of a staggering level of stupidity. 

These incel support groups are getting out of control.

Fraternal Order of Alt Knights

The kind that comes in gallon cans with a plain white label.

The initiation to become a Proud little boy...

Why are you knocking butters stotch? He’s a very proud little boy. Just a bit lonely.

The “Master Race”.

Another prime example of “the Master race” right there, folks!

Don’t y’all know that white genocide is happening right now!

Precisely. He may have been a great firebrand and a voice of opposition, but we can find more. His actions were inexcusable and he did the right thing by stepping down as graciously as he could have.

He wasn’t forced to do anything. Only Al Franken could make Al Franken resign. He’s a big boy. 

Loss of a minority seat on a committee where Democrats couldn’t do anything anyway? Fucking name recognition? These are the massive losses that should have caused Gillibrand to hold her tongue?

What are the fucking ends that justified the means in the case of Franken?  We lost one Democratic Senator and he was replaced by...another Democratic Senator. Who the fuck is Al Franken that losing him supposedly caused such a massive loss to the party?

Her interview didn’t seem genuine in the least bit.