
You are a white American male, aren’t you? Been reading your comments for years so I’m fairly confident.

It appears a yes vote on 8 is both pro labor and anti ‘healthcare for profit’ models.

Totally agree with you on all points. I’m losing my enthusiasm for all representative models of governance and looking more into direct democratic local models, but another commenter above thought of a good middle ground in setting age restrictions in running for office. Makes sense to me that an 80 year old shouldn’t

Dr. Ford, no matter how this hearing proceeds or what the outcome, know that the majority of us believe you, and we support you no matter what.

Unfortunately, this feeling is incorrect. In places with term limits, lobbyists sometimes have a better handle on bureaucratic procedure than elected representatives, and elected officials are therefore even more at the mercy of special interests than they otherwise would be.

Shut the absolute fuck UP, you damn white bitch. You have no place in this conversation. NONE. SHUT IT.

My people have claimed the title two years running, good shit.

Nice to see the general readership here is still remarkably ignorant about the roles of facists, police and anti fascists at these events.

The parkland surivors have repeatedly told media outlets that seeing his name and face anywhere is traumatic for them. I feel terrible even clicking this link to tell you all to eat shit.

The fact that there are ignorant white liberals arguing that they needed to hear this Nazi getting a national platform for race ranking to understand the severity of this issue (or to "make fun of" Nazis) is exactly what the white producers at NPR were hoping for.

They didn’t JUST enable him to reach a wider audience and drum up support for his shitty rally, they made a cynical play for a wider audience by platforming white supremacy.

Pretty gd hard to believe any of this is just coincidence at this point.

Die in a fire.


The ties between fascists and the state of Israel should be better known than they are. Not only is it an aparthied state that murders civilians with impunity, but Netanyahu has deep ties to Putin, AND it is actively supported by Christian white supremacists like Mike Suckabee.


Israel keeps Ethiopian Jews in concentration camps for deportation. Don't try to pawn Israeli anti-blackness onto a single rabbi or quote.

I agree it sounds suspect. A lot can happen in a few hours.

Stunning, beautiful, inspirational, aspirational.

Cool, WELP, I just resubscribed to Netflix, so at least someone is getting paid over this mess.