
I wonder when people are going to notice that crapping on sex workers makes them look insecure and childish, rather than morally righteous.

Exactly. The fact that the entire investigation only started when Papadopoulos spilled the beans in a bout of drunken braggadocio is actually appalling. Russia was planning this for a decade, but we only started reacting when mid level operatives got sloppy *during* the election cycle? Absurd.

State Attorney for the area, Bernie Mac, might benefit from some pressure right now:

Yes, Bernie McCabe, the State Attorney for their county, part of the sixth judicial circuit of FL, decides whether or not to file charges. He can force the Sheriff Cracker Barrel to arrest Drejka. 

Awwww! Someone is feeling a widdle upset that no one here likes his shitty bait.


Cool, WHELP, gonna enjoy the fact that this turd just spent a boatload of cash for nothing. :)

But you, as a particular special snowflake of a white person, ARE a piece of shit. Happy now?

Is there an organization that names and tracks these predatory cops? The public has a right to know.

Or I could just address my comments to you, since you pulled that comic and posted it here without context.

Can't regret turning down my birthright trip as a young'un, it was creepy and propaganda based then too. But wish I'd had the foresight to turn it into a protest like these smart kids. Well done, young folks. <3

The horrific treatment of black Jews in Israel is now well documented. They have detention and deportation camps for Ethiopian Jews much like our own.

Exactly right. CTG has a huge deal on the table, I’m sure he’s hoping he can make all of this go away. Unfortunately where there is one story like this there are almost certainly more. I hope his survivors find the strength, courage and *support* that they need to speak.

You presenting your guesses, based on the word of the perpetrator, as if it is a legally material fact, is wholly unacceptable. Problematic doesn’t even begin to cover it.

One of the commenters restated Charlemagne’s explanation for why his charges were reduced as if it was fact.

The accused is the only one saying the DNA didn’t match. That’s his explanation for the reduction in charges, rather than the fact that the victim was coerced into not cooperating.

It seems to me the case would never have hit the DAs desk, much less gotten a grand jury, if he had affirmative proof.

I'm very into this plan.

He’s suing to recoup monetary damages and credibility with the NFL and the public.