
SOME people can’t grasp the concept of “Impact over intent” because historically their “intent” (and fair skin) has protected them from repercussion. Someone let them know, those days end NOW.

“Intent” is the last refuge of people who fucked up and refuse to admit it. It’s how they save their pride. This kid will grow up fucked up because he did something wrong, but everyone else gets in trouble and the school covers for him by talking about his “intent.”

I had an old history assignment I did as a teacher. Research something on that happened on your birthday. Unbeknownst to me, the KKK was founded on this kid’s day . They had to write a paper and do something art wise. He brought in a KKK outfit on butcher paper. I called the parent, she knew and didnt care and

When will people learn that racism doesn’t require intention? That lets like 90% of racists off the hook (which is the point, I know) since they almost never consider their actions racist, no matter how clearly racist they are, and therefore can’t intend those actions to be racist

Because as long as you don’t “intend” to be hateful, then it can’t be racist.

Well yea if you want to get technical about it the kid wasn’t trying to be racist. They were clearly succeeding at it!

God almighty, she looks like Skelators fun younger sister....

LMAO, look at the white rage on Walmart’s tweet.

I am sending some $$ to Mike Espy today, even though he is not my fave, by a long shot. This woman has got to go. If we have to have Rick Scott in the Senate, at least let’s not have Tammy I, the Goblin Version there, too.

And even then, it’s not that they’ll vote against her, it’s more like they’ll just not show up at all because in their minds it’s equally unthinkable to vote for a Democrat as it is a child molester. I wonder what the bar would be for many of my fellow Southerners to actually vote for a Democrat.

RIP Jan Hooks... you would have done a marvelous Cindy Hyde-Smith

But 9 times out of ten, you’ll probably admit it’s somebody white curled up on upholstered furniture or appropriating up two or three chairs before everyone has a seat or taking their shoes off in public - not Black! (Unless it’s a bus or Subway train, then it’s Black dudes manspreading!).

The only thing the professor is teaching people is that she is a racist dingbat who wastes resources and the town is hiring garbage like those cops who came to take her out of class.

But that’s an EMT course; which typically results in jobs or at least a certificate, and I imagine you have many interactive elements to said course.

Sweet lord in heaven. I teach in college and this isn’t even in the Top 20 of things I can be bothered to care about. Sit however you want in class. I’m happy you’re there (and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way). Do I get annoyed when students are clearly on their phone or surfing the internet? Maybe a little. But I r

No, this was a lecture, so you’re not studying.

Ridiculous and pathetic. Having ones feet up during a lecture does not mean one has a lack of attention. I used to have my feet up whenever possible — and that was back when I had to take notes on paper. Now with laptops there is no need to be sitting straight up over the desk.

Pathetic, this is why no one respect the teacher in the first place 

Now we're being arrested for studying while black....and comfortable?

Uh that dress is probably comfortable af, which makes it extremely manly.