I’ve been banned from going with friends to those type of movies since I fell asleep during Titantic.
Torn on this one...I love movies about female friendship, I like the actors (haaayyy Drew, glad you’re back in a non-Sandler movie). But I hate manipulative tearjerker movies so, so much. My friends still talk about how I ruined The Notebook for them with my eye rolling and asshole commentary.
No, the problem is that people interpret a little girl wearing a perfectly ordinary leotard (which is what dancers of all ages wear, because it allows for maximum freedom of movement - it is a garment designed to be functional, not sexy) as somehow sexual, because we as a society have decided that female bodies are…
Oh cool, we get to hear from nurses!
I completely agree. I love that movie, despite finding the ending to be kind of despicable. But she’s what makes the movie for me. Her character is actually pretty complicated, and O’Hara does so well playing different shades of tough and sensitive. My favorite scene is her during the mud fight, when she says to John…
Well, it’s no Sexy Batman, but then, what is?
Or prevent it from running off the slice and onto your shirt, pants, hands, etc.
Fuck it, I don’t want a mouth full of grease/oil. That’s why I blot that bad boy, not because I want to delude myself into beleiving I’m some how saving myself calories.
This is absolutely true. She is the single most frustrating, frightening character in the series. I have legitimate, visceral anger when reading Order of the Phoenix for the exact reason you say. She is knowable. While the magic she employs is obviously not real, her motivations and attitude are tangibly realistic.…
“Minegishi’s head had been shaven and she sobbed throughout the video.”
Dude! I was just gonna say, Depp seems to be going a little Cage. I would love to see Stepbrothers remade with those two.
You know what really grinds my gears? (Since everyone is dying to know.)
I always felt the same way. There’s some PDA that looks more egalitarian, but there are certain postures that some guys take that always rub me the wrong way. It’s hard to put a finger on what the line is, but the worst is a guy who stands directly behind a girl and sorta walks with her like they are one two-legged…
I have NEVER liked to be leaned on. People used to tell me I was too high strung. Those people are no longer my boyfriend.
Were there Darcy vibrators or nah?
If wanting more of Lady Mary being bitchy to Edith is wrong, well, I’m just never going to get right.