
Counter-Point, by standing on the left of the Driver an Officer can not see someone drawing a weapon on the suspect’s dominant side. By standing on the right he can cleary observe the suspect’s dominant hand the entire duration....

Reminds me of the gold old “Box o Truth” an ancient website dedicated to a wonderful old man that semi-scientifically shoots things to test myths.

Gawker-verse, where people understand that your gender identity can be expressed only via Slam-Poetry, but your political leanings are binary.

CANBUS, there isn’t one wire running directly from the Infotainement unit to your ECM labels “Please don’t abuse”.

What about when the fuel savings actually make sense?

When I worked in a repair shop, we did allow outside parts, BUT you’d have no warranty from us on the part itself only against the labour if we installed it wrong.

My problem is the retraction, it is one thing to apolgize, it is another thing to waste good footage.

Sanderson gets snubbed yet again, thanks i09.

My best Beta Experience was stealing 3 scarves.

I’m actually suprised there were no secondary locks on the guns.

Because I’m a hobbit, and I want a hobbit sized bike. I know I can ride a bigger, heavier, and/or larger bike, but the part of my brain that looks for second breakfast wants a hobbitbike.

When I had phones with swappable battery packs I kept a spare in my backpack that I topped off the charge on every few weeks in case of emergency. (Along with a charger).

Fuck that, I worked in shops for 8 years, and while yes we would look for anything and everything we could sell. I can honestly say I’ve never frivolously sold a Stud. It’s shit bullwork that on most cars is less than 15 minutes in labour and pennies in profit on parts.

I’ve never worked in a shop that had a set of keys, maybe for the spline drive “tuner” lugs. But if the customer didn’t have the key, it got pulled with a socket and replaced with a regular (with the correct taper/seat) lug nut.

If you can swing the SYE it might not be a bad choice purely because you now have two identical shafts, meaning that you only need to carry one spare drive-shaft, so you can kill TWO and still drive home.

It’ll likely be in some cheeky remark about how his like or enjoyment of a non-jalop feature will earn him some grief from us.

The Basics of Bloodborne’s story are very easy to grasp but you can get lost in the details.

New York has an UGLY history with shutting down Nuke Plants.

Last I checked having your finger firmly resting outside of the Trigger Guard is 100% safe, ARs have a pretty small trigger guard to begin within. So the likely hood of him hitting a bump and shooting someone is practically nil.

With the help of a friend I pulled like an NG+5 in under 2 hours.