Seriosuly mate, I love you.
I was a Mechanic in the heart of the rust belt, Long Island, salted roads and surrounded by salt water.
55mph WITH a not often enforced ~40mph minimum speed limit.
You can do a LOT in a stock TJ, but like going to the track, going offroad you find yourself wanting more. Suddenly that ground cleareance with the Factory 30” Tire isn’t enough for the that red trail, and the rocks are too slick the viscous LSD to get the power down.
I worked at a Gas Station/Repair Shop for a few years typically we’d only check for skimmers when we changed the prices on the pumps since you were walking around them anyway.
Hate to sound Snarky but but an Impact Driver and never worry about them again.
I got hit with two offers like this when selling my Baja Bug.
So why haven’t we taken an approach like Jawbreaker to ISIS?
Honestly SHOCKED that Wrangler owners didn’t make this list.
Touch of Malice is WAY to high up on that list.
I’m gonna sound like a nit pick but.
I literally got up off the couch and went to bed when he binned it into the wall.
How much does it weigh is my question.
Argh, I have literally dozens of Crota HM clears as Swordbearer on Hunter and I still don’t have Necro. Such a slap in the face, I’ve dragged people through that raid kicking and screaming, turned total shitters into stone-cold killers who bang that raid out while asleep and drunk, and still RNG can’t bless me with a…
Maybe if it has some kind of tick coating or magic apex seals to prevent it from needing oil on them you can get rid of the need to burn oil for the motor to run. That solves some of the emissions issue, figure if you couple it with some retard compression ratio and DI you might get a decent motor out of it.
Your does NOT reset when you switch faction.
Most people, the other night I took out a Solar Titan as he started his Hammer of Sol with a Long Distance head shot, over 500dmg in PvP.
Maybe not worst but odd story?