This is like a bank asking for a bailout after all their executives mishandled millions in other peoples’ money. Like that would ever happen!
This is like a bank asking for a bailout after all their executives mishandled millions in other peoples’ money. Like that would ever happen!
I can smell the Philadelphia on you
Because every gun that is illegally acquired was previously legally manufactured acquired. Unless you think gangs have gun factories. As a side note, the average lone mentally ill shooter doesn’t have organized crime gun runner connections to acquire them illegally either.
Jabronis, ranked:
Elitism over which video games you play is almost as dumb as elitism over which beer you like to drink.
Hell yes. Sometimes you just want to play some Destiny/FFXIV/whatever else without having to talk to anyone.
...and don’t look now but Boston is third in the East and has three first-round draft picks this summer.
Kids nowadays, I think second base is posting a POV shot of you having anal sex to snapchat.
(But still humorous or interesting resulting in entertainment for the readers which is the actual point of this website).
Note: The first published version of this article mistakenly referred to Friday’s election as “tomorrow.” Because until just this moment, I thought today was Thursday. It’s only Tuesday. Fuck.
It fails to point that out because his rhymes are actually good and do display depth and wit.
Indeed, Julius Caesar promised government, military, and land reform in a manner designed to give Romans outside the senatorial class at least some access and share of Rome’s power and wealth, so the outraged senatorial class (which really enjoyed its monopoly on wealth and power) decried Caesar as a would-be king…
I liked Grantland and am looking forward to seeing what Simmons does with The Ringer. Say what you want about the guy’s own writing, but he hires good writers and lets them write good stuff without over-managing them. That’s something to celebrate.
Regardless of your feelings for Bill or his writing, he was able to put together one of the best teams and sites out there for sporting/social/cultural commentary, so I’d venture to say a fair amount of people are excited about this.
Didn’t John Dickerson try to fact check during the debate and he got boo’ed by the audience and the candidates were like “lalalalalala” with their fingers in their ears?
Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of…