DNC Playcalling:
DNC Playcalling:
Just a reminder, it's not the NBA/billionaire owners paying for this. It's the players union.
You missed the best one...
I mean, what you really probably need is a truck, but when your neighbor offers to sell you his 2005 Porche 911 with 30,000 miles on it for $5000, that is what you buy.
So with 9 years of hindsight, the obvious conclusion to draw is...Simmons was 100% correct here?
They’re holding off until a team owned by a black guy tries to get funding for a stadium.
... and also, Kyrie’s defense is atrocious. I never really noticed, because Kyrie always gets hyped as an all-star player and I don’t watch many Cavs games, but his defense is Harden level bad. There was a point last night where Livingston hit like 3 mid-range jumpers in his face, LeBron demanded they switch, and then…
stand-in for the smallfolk
GRRM should just write Dunk and Egg stories the rest of his life, and hand over ASOIAF to Brandon Sanderson or whoever.
I don’t think we can say that for sure. One of the things that separates the cream of the 60s from their peers - Russell, Wilt, Baylor, West - is that they look “modern” compared to everyone around them. If you put those guys in a time machine and dropped them in today’s league, I think they’d all be rotation players.…
Respected veteran who is able to bridge the gap between players and players and players and coaches means you have problems on your team?
Since that’s Wilt, the answer is “yes.”
Good Kinja.
Go back in time and assassinate William Rehnquist before he could revive the Confrontation Clause in his opinion in Crawford v. Washington?
What we need is for the judiciary to stop showing up for work until they start filling vacancies. This isn’t just a Supreme Court problem.
You forgot the hilarious-er scenario, in which Hil nominates both Obama, and with a later appointment, William Jefferson Clinton.
I wish reporters would ask every Republican...
The most hilarious scenario is Republicans stop the nomination of a new Justice, Hilary wins and nominates Obama.
I’m pretty sure I’d die laughing.
Except they refuse to advise or consent thus leaving us with 8 justices for what could be well over a year with some very important cases coming up. The Senate not doing their job at all is not the same as the Senate valiantly keeping that crazy dictator Barrack Hussein Obama in check for us voters. We actually…