
that would be cool, and im white, and do not personally feel guilt for my ancestors behaviors. its just a cool idea. im all in. i dont want to see the civil war rehashed, cause we are STILL FIGHTING IT. with high castle, that battle is over, the nazis lost and no one remains to support them. the confederacy is alive

why not both? the cute kid said.

I dont see how this can possibly be good. first off people are calling it “alt-history”. wow, thats horrifying. alternative history is the sf term. alt-history would ACTUALLY MEAN history as the alt-right wants it. showing this, now, on tv, will inflame hatred, no matter how evil they make the south. when the north

This man is insanely evil, insanely cruel, and insanely stupid. let me give a hint as to the last: the first person to overdose and die, in that district, after being refused ED services, will bring a lawsuit against them that may well bankrupt it. id say 100 million for denial of medical care, and denial of civil

always a good idea to tell your fellow humans to shut the f up. how about we make white people sit at the back of the bus for a few decades, to teach them a lesson. this flag is horrible design, mixes metaphors, and should not replace the traditional flag as flown by cities. if individuals want to adopt it as their

the young lady better not include any police actions after 18th birthday in this lawsuit. she was a free adult, choosing to barter sex for safety/money, and should be happy she is not in jail for that. turning on the cops who actually protected her from raids is low, even for a whore. still, her case for alleged

oakland is becoming ungovernable. between anarchist trust fund babies, actual, real life thugs, racist old money elite, and various ethnic enclaves, who wants that job? i say, get rid of city council, build a wall around oakland, and dont let anyone in or out until they work it out. i wouldnt mind a break from working

wow, thats really messed up. the tattered shreds of respect i still hold for at least some police officers are drifting off in the wind. i really like the OPD ive met, but i really am speechless about the RPD sending her away, and now the police union endorsing trump. F the police is starting to sound like a rational

what do you idiots feel is wrong with libby? she is as pissed as you are. if the entire oakland pd hid this, dont blame the mayor. she even put a non PD person in charge. im beginning to think that oakland is ungovernable, may be even be its own kind of ‘basket of deplorables’

I am very curious about the sound of voices of Japanese and Chinese people. this is a group where, in the US, third generation residents have often assimilated a lot, thus no longer have an accent or any other vocal patterns that sound distinctly Asian. yet, i believe i can detect a quality in their voices, which