
hate to say it, gene is boring. athletic, pushed dance forward, but boring. the romance of fred is beyond all. his singing too. can tom sing?

thats cute. can she dance?

you cant possibly put a clause in your will forbidding this. if they are following it, its just courtesy. his public life is PUBLIC. and i believe fred would approve of this choice, tom is too charming. the world needs a fred astaire revival STAT. only question, who can dance as good as tom backwards in high heels?

of course he can be fired. free speech on university campus is for students, in public spaces, to speak as they wish. they are not employees of the university. he is a professor. he is being PAID to profess things. every public utterance should represent the profession he has chosen, and the job he has. if a science

my experience informs me that the main way you deal with narcissists is keep them from having any power or control over others, and give them full consequences for their actions. let them wander homeless in the street until they learn through trial and error which behaviors at least give them shelter and food. you

we all agree, or at least most of us, in the profession. we dont like labels, but in addition to his being a sociopathic narcissist with limited intellectual functioning and criminal impulses, “raving lunatic” is clinically appropriate in his case, as is “scumbag pos” and “fhead”

“whoops”, “i’ll” “try” “to” “remember” “to” “do” “that” “as” “well”

he is acting as a domestic terrorist. its disappointing to me that seal team 6 hasnt decided to take him out. i assume we all know what “fragging” is? yes, you go to the brig and get a court martial, but, well, Mr. Flyover Orange (Survoil l’Orange, in honor of the Khmer Rouge), s*** happens, mf.

i read portions of mia’s biography way back when, and it was crystal clear to me he is a monster. my girlfriend read the whole book, and was a HUUGE woody fan, that dropped off very fast. i have not been able to stomach his films since, maybe seen one since. it took a while to build. sorry if im woke, i really cant

i am lily white, older male. i started sharing this meme immediately, though it took me a good minute to figure it out. hey, butthurt white people, if you can find a famous person named “betty black”, use their image humorously. or, rather, try, cause im sure youll fail horribly. and no, betsy black wont work, some

of course she is hireable. there are countless organizations that would hire her. north korea routinely kidnaps south korean and japanese citizens; all the political organizations that kidnap for ransom; human trafficking rings; chinese prison labor and Uighur reeducation camps. she has top notch experience that is

too liberal. probably is pro-burial for the dead. just dump the live bodies overboard of anyone you dont like. thats tough enough.

Trumponic Plague

it drives you crazy first. the entire world startsss to becummm veby woblurourouroble, bilckly zeprodanctious, f11111299sebentroum ible fopulatablatably grimmboed. relisp?

The experts are saying its safe to eat zombie deer meat. hmm. zombie deer meat, or a french fry? i dont know, doesnt sound that bad to eat some. just a nibble. really. really? really!!!! yoicks, no thanks, ill pass. if i shoot a zombie deer, ill just donate the meat to the local charity for people whose lifestyle i que

made my day. thanks. perfect meme for our time.

kanye: not ye, but kay. as in kay kay. as in kray kray. seriously, he is severely mentally ill. i know this for a fac fac. its my job. he needs to be alone now, to heal. as in, never speak publicly again for about a decade. enforced by kim: you talk, no booty. if that doesnt work, nothing will, cause that is a lotta bo

My stairwell is made from Ginsu knives, chainsaw blades, hacksaws and glass shards. its very stylish and pretty. i guess she probably has the same design flair that i have.

this is how america dies. the death of a thousand cuts. we will end up completely demoralized, crushed by the violence of our extremists, who hope to rise up from the rubble and take over, instituting a 4th reich in the US. and our president is completely complicit in this, as is the NRA, the GOP, and Russia. may god

i have it from a very reliable voice in my head that she will play Millie the Model, and, in a nod to the patty duke show she will also play a gender bent Adam Warlock, as her identical cousin.