
I was very relieved to see Schur say, “I messed up that thing and I apologize.” It definitely would have been better for him to not bring Louis back, but owning up to your mistake without deflecting to something else is something we definitely do not see enough right now. Thank you for that, Schur.

Totally agree, it’s so much harder to criticize someone you know, and Colbert could have done better. I appreciated that Mike Schur apologized for having Louis CK on Parks & Rec even after hearing the rumours about him, and I wish more people would respond that way.

Much as I like Colbert, I’ve started to judge people at least a little by how they react when the accused man is one of their peers. He could have done better, especially since none of this came completely out of the blue. If I’ve heard rumors about Louis C.K., I assume his fellow comedians have too.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

Good god when did the country get so stupid?

A trans woman defeating the guy who tried to pass a bathroom bill is the kind of poetic justice we need.

I was going to hold back on this, because if you don’t get it by whatever age you are now, you’ll probably never get it, but...

How about have a regular conversation with someone? If you can talk to a woman without bringing up her body, touching her and other creeptastic things, you should be fine. Then again, if you don’t know how to do that.....

Seriously? WTF? It’s not hard! It’s not! Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t say gross shit. When you grab women and say stuff about their bodies or things you like about their appearance or God forbid things you’d like to do to their bodies (Yuck!), they have trouble sleeping because they’re thinking about what they

Dude, even if you actually believe this, I assure you - this aint the place to bring it up.

Women are autonomous human beings. They are not a thing to pick up and handle because you think they look good. They are not window displays advertising goods and services. You are not in a store and handling a product to see if you feel like buying it. You don’t get free samples.

As a guy myself, I’m gonna tell you right now- everything you wrote is wrongheaded chauvinistic bullshit. Let’s unpack.

For every woman who was creeped out by Weinstein, another 5 slept with him.

First, a lot of women love that type of attention.<— There’s your problem. You are laboring under a bullshit belief. Just because we giggle and squirm does not mean we love that type of attention. That’s just a story you are telling yourself that allows you to harass women with your touches.

No, this isn’t a grey area. When I met the man I’m now married to he was instantly attracted to me so he paid attention to me, smiled at me and basically made me feel as though everyone in the room had disapperared for him before finding an excuse to get my contact information and set up a date.What he didn’t do is

I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.

He was NOT raising good points. As a gay man I find it difficult to tell if other men are interested in me or even if they are gay. When I am introduced to men in a work setting, should I just grad their body parts and see how they react? No? Why not?


This is going to sound crazy, but it is possible to indicate interest in a woman without touching her or reducing her to her body parts. It’s called using your words to say things like “Hello” or “How are you”.

I believe you, but what specifically do I need to do?