
Omg my husband did this with my super-pricey-but-makes-my-hair-look-amazing shampoo. I noticed the bottle was getting really light and then CAUGHT HIM IN THE ACT using a generous palmful of it to wash his short hair (I have waist-length hair and use a dime-sized dollop). I nearly had a heart attack.

Haha, unsupervised. I had a long talk with mine afterwards and I make sure to point out which ones he can use.

I gave my fiance a subscription to Birchbox Men and that felt like giving him a gateway drug. Before, he used Irish Spring soap, whatever face wash was on sale at Target, and lotion was only used if his skin was so dry it was at risk of cracking. Now he has these fancy potions and tinctures in gun metal and black

Be careful what you wish for. I had a really small container of an eye moisturizer that was nice and I used sparingly because you only need a little for your eyes. One day I go to use it and it’s pretty much completely gone. Ask my husband and he had used the whole thing on his face and hands and wanted to know if I

Well, there was an economic downturn then a massive bubble burst under Bush, then a jobless recovery under Obama, then, umm, people just said eff it and gave up trying when trump was elected? IDK, that’s the best I got.

Exactly. Better to drink ourselves to death than to be a burden on our family with hospital bills due to aging issues or, god forbid, cancer. There certainly isn’t going to be any useful health care left after all this is done.

They’re not generic statements. They’re asshole statements. That’s definitely a major label brand.

See, I dislike about 95% of wine I’ve tried, but I’m self aware enough to realize that makes my opinion on the subject worthless. If I said “All wine is gross, but wines of Argentina are double gross...” that’s kind of an inflammatory, baseless load of crap.

2.5 percent growth year over year is normal for a lot of industries.


government healthcare and social welfare [will] pick up the pieces of their socially irresponsible behavior.

Same. I’m a voracious reader with zero books on display. It’s all about the library! And if I do have to buy something, I don’t keep it. I think a lot of readers are like this. I get suspicious when people think owning lots if books makes you better/smarter/cooler.

Can we please talk about Time Magazine Person of the Year is the #MeToo Silence Breakers and somehow Taylor Swift is on the cover? WTF?

If that’s an addiction to books, I’mma need to see photos of all the other rooms to verify, because that alone is merely a well-stocked shelf.

Really? Perhaps it’s only getting enough traction now to make up for the last few decades, no scratch that, the last few millennia, when no-one, except the victims/survivors, seemed to give a shit.

Perfect timing for those questions to be asked given the movie they were discussing. Also John Oliver’s career and success is based on asking tough questions so it looks like he is doing gangbusters.

I read between the lines. Mainly that you’re the kind of person who would say “This isn’t the right place for that kind of confrontation!” To which I would ask, “Where is?” Are we supposed to wait for Hoffman et. al. to host a panel on sexual harassment before it gets brought up?

It’s funny that some of the best TV hosts critiquing America aren’t American. I’m looking at you John Oliver (UK), Sam Bee (Canadian) and Trevor Noah (South African). Obviously there are some great American shows like Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert, but they do seem to be totally unafraid in saying what they think.

What I’ve heard about Armisen is less that he is a harasser/abuser and more that he’s just generally kind of an asshole in relationships - like, isn’t emotionally available and acts like a dick. Not that that’s not bad, but it is different from non-consensual sexual behavior. Unless there have been rumors and reports

Without evidence present on foul deeds, I try to look at history. John Oliver’s history reads pretty honestly and includes things like marrying an Iraq war veteran who smuggled him through the ‘08 Republican National Convention. His show LastWeekTonight reads really honestly and he definitely shows a lot of passion in