
Look, we don’t need to adopt the weird skeptic community’s obsession with “owning” the other side. We need to calmly argue our own position without personally attacking a probably very traumatized sexual assault victim about what is probably her coping mechanism. Look at the fucking comments on this article. Some of

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.

I totally understand. These people are a danger to everyone with their anti-established science ravings. It’s a big worry of mine that we’re vulnerable to a major epidemic wiping out or handicapping a sizeable proportion of our kids polio-style because there are so many unvaccinated children.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

Feel like he seems to be more like the “masturbating to a mannequin leg” type guy instead of the harassing real people in life type, fingers crossed...

I was a big one at the beginning and gave up after season 4. I really hate Litt so so much and he just kept getting worse, and not in an evil villain kind of way either because he’s too much of a bumbling idiot to be a good villain.

Wasn’t the plan for her and Adams to leave after this season? I haven’t watched the show since Mike went to jail, and I don’t really get how it still works now (does it still work now)? Also, her roots were on Fringe, so she is cool.

He never did that to ME... Classic Ann, you beautiful tropical fish. You’re smart as a whip and you’re cool under pressure

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like:

“Any man who is even remotely self-aware has been examining his prior behaviors.”

So this is the thing I don’t get. If I were a serial sexual harasser, I feel like I’d read the writing on the wall and pre-apologize without waiting to get caught first? “As more stories of assault and harassment by others in my field have come to light, I now see that my prior behaviors were completely unacceptable.

All Dave Matthews fans, please congregate to this thread.

This actually reminds me of an article I read on the impact of negative vs. positive in TV: A Leslie Knope in a World Full of Liz Lemons. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some 30 Rock, but there’s just something about Leslie and the Parks & Rec crew that makes the sun come out.

The Good Place definitely gets better as it goes along.

I’m going to use “I love you and I like you” in my wedding vows.

Literally every time I think about them getting married alone under Niagara Falls, I get chills. Like right now. Or when they find out they’re pregnant in the ER. I love them so much it’s probably kind of unhealthy tbh.

Has been reduced to getting jacked for Michael Bay movies, so I’d say so. The Jim character also might just have been too much to overcome. Maybe he’ll have a rebirth as an older actor.

I thought he was perfect for Jim.