Oh damn and she has hair now too! This information being known in advance has rendered me entirely unable to appreciate or enjoy Season 2.
Next you’re gonna tell me Luke Skywalker is onboard the Millennium Falcon at some point in The Last Jedi. I mean, why even go see it now?
Is it because they feel bad knowing how many times I’ve watched Always Sunny in Philadelphia on loop and don’t want the rest of the world to know also?
I like those kinds of episodes too! When they’re done well. Unfortunately the writing and acting was pretty sub par all around. The duffer brother hit on an affecting formula in Hawkins but I think this reveals their actual talents are lacking.
If you actually think this is a spoiler you didn’t finish S1. And maybe just stop using the internet if you’re that fragile.
Are you serious?
Why would one of the lead protagonists and most popular character not be in the second season?
The 8:55 thing sounds like a boss I used to have. She used to start meetings five minutes early just so she could be a bitch to those who showed up, you know, on time. Some people should not be allowed out of their homes.
Never think for one second that you overreacted. You didn’t. They could have really hurt you or someone else.
Good for you trusting your instincts, those fuckers were absolutely up to no good. At best they were casing the building and at worst, well, you already know. Fuck politeness it gets women killed every damned day!
That’s a lot of body make-up. And $700 seems cheap for 16 hours of labor/materials on that swimsuit.
Or he’s the big blockbuster movie star and she’s the indie darling.
Agreed. If I knew them IRL I wouldn’t think twice about the pairing. People just seem weirded out that the superhero guy is dating the interesting smart girl.
I love when people learn (including when I do). To repeat something I said on another thread last week, it’s ok to not be automatically woke or not understand a foreign concept but listen when someone is telling you their experience. He said something quite silly and someone obviously schooled him and he took it on…
Well, that’s refreshing. Apparently Jon Snow does know something. Something his wildling fiancee probably explained to him.
I am male. I was sexually harassed. I refused the sexual advances of a female boss and she made my life hell. I can happen. That said, I don’t and won’t equate the experiences of women and men on this issue.
Agree! I’d love to see more of these “I was wrong” statements. We all get so entrenched and defensive of things we say. Sometimes things we say are inartful or just straight up wrong! Surprise! Ha. It’s ooooook.
Nice to see! Experiences by men and women are different and until that’s clarified we can’t make things better for either side.
Seriously, by all appearances, this movie is peak Male Gaze. Like, HOLY CRAP SO MANY LAYERS OF MALE GAZE. I think he thinks he invented the angel/whore complex? I could probably go my whole life without hearing the musings of even one more ~overprotective dad~ and be just fine, thank you.
I’m of the view there’s no appropriate time to release a film like this and maybe we can stop making films that pedal the fantasy that any teenage girl would be interested in gross older guys altogether. The fantasy is entirely ONE-SIDED.
Can’t find the exact quote at the moment, but it’s been said that punk was dead by the time the Pistols got to Winterland, as by then everyone knew how to dress, stand, walk, talk, spit....