
As someone who is currently trying to get pregs and is currently very. much. not. pregs, I COSIGN EVERYTHING IN THIS! It seems like everywhere I turn, every goddamn person is knocked up or has just popped one out within the last 2 months. One woman had TWO STROLLERS. I’m very happy for her but I also want to claw

When you are purposely trying to get pregnant, seeing other folks get pregnant without trying fucks with your head. Because purposely getting pregnant can take some work. You take fertility tests everyday to see when the optimal time to fuck is, you have to purposely reduce your anxiety levels and that just reminds

That is my fave recurring bit on Seth Meyers’ show. They seem to be having so much fun doing it, and I always love how much joy Amber Ruffin shows when a joke generates a huge groan in the audience.

I remember when one of Goopina’s pieces of advice started with, “It’s easy! You can ask your personal chef to...”

But at least you got some cocaine or heroin with your $ sometimes. Would the random bottle of elixir either kill you or have no effect? Who could tell, but it made it exciting.

The poor woman doesn’t even need self-care. Remember when Gwyneth said her life was much harder than that of a working mom who was like a secretary or something?

In old timey days the had another phrase for “wellness.” It was “snake oil” and resulted in the same phenomenon as Gwynnie’s “wellness”: money disappearing from your wallet for useless and sometimes dangerous crap. Although snake oil usually had alcohol in it so that was better.

Wonder how many times a poor woman uses the phrase “self care.” Probably too busy doing poor people stuff like working, taking care of family, etc.

Yes, it’s true that women’s health and health care experiences have largely been ignored or belittled. Women have literally suffered because of it and still do.

Shut up Todd!

So glad Netflix said yay rather than neigh!

I am so thrilled for her win. That episode was the standout of the season...probably the entire series. The way it was written and acted unfolded so beautifully.


starting with The Sopranosand reaching its apex somewhere around Breaking Bad

“Come on, guys! All you have to do is be smart, driven, white, cute, traditionally feminine, but play down the cute and traditionally feminine wink-wink, and unbelievably lucky and Hollywood is your oyster! Just do what I did, it’s so easy!”

Absolutely. I was confused by her implication that the woman who “whines” about (better put, calls attention to) the fact that women have a harder time getting these jobs is someone who is going to be “a mouse, timid, nervous” on set.

Yeah, I can’t believe I had to scroll as far for this as I did. I don’t drink or do drugs for reasons that are really important to me and are pretty irreversible if I do. The thought of someone doing this to me is completely terrifying.

That is really, really fucked up that they gave her the real thing without telling her/asking for permission.

I hate it when people use the, “don’t be a victim” phrase. It devalues the emotions someone is feeling and makes you feel guilty for feeling the way you do. You can be a victim and be strong and courageous. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.