
I don’t know why they didn’t just use Melissa McCarthy playing Sean Spicer. That would have been much better. And because Melissa would not have wanted to be in Spicer make up live since she was presenting, they could have pre-recorded her comments and had them in a large screen.

It shows what a great person he is that he stepped back and let her talk. And that he realized he didn’t need to speak at all so the moment could be about her (although he obviously would have liked to and you could see him thinking about it).

I love Aziz more than most things in the world and would listen to/watch him all day e’er day can’t stop won’t stop...but I am SO glad he stood aside and let Lena speak. (I know it wasn’t entirely intentional to only have her speak, but still). That was amazing.

Beyond well-deserved. That episode was so flawlessly crafted and beautiful, and her acceptance speech made me cry.

That Denise episode was amazing.

#blessed to read this comment.

Its context does not make it any less cheesy. If anything it’s even hokier in context.


Aaaaand bingo: People who hashtag “grateful” are the exact type of people who would like a sorority.

Read - resume padding, brown-nosing, and nepotism.

I try to keep up, but it’s kind of hard all the same to return to The Club. I feel a bit like That Guy who comes back to his high school the next year to visit his old teachers and the few remaining friends who are still around.

an increasingly senseless, distorted reality that eventually collapses into an overlong hallucination of the shittiness of humankind.

rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.

I do not buy them as a couple at all. Jennifer Lawrence is far too old to be a plausible love interest for Javier Bardem.

UGH. As a city parent, I cannot overstate the importance of corner stores to healthy communities. Corner stores (we don’t really call them bodegas and the owners are usually Palestinian) serve as the grandmas for the neighborhood. The corner stores keep an eye out, and they sweep the sidewalk, and they lend you a

Of course it’s PA, still being a Blue Law for liquor State. WaWa IS experimenting with it, but I think only the Delco store has it right now.

I don’t get how a 6 pack of toilet paper or a hot bacon egg and cheese on a roll will fit through the vending machine slots.

I don’t know what city you are in or what the bodegas are like where you are, but I cannot agree on a single one of those points:

As opposed to a tiny box of random pre-selected shit that will come with an even higher markup? Yeah.