Twin Falls! There's Nothing Wrong with Love is one of my favorite albums, ever.
Twin Falls! There's Nothing Wrong with Love is one of my favorite albums, ever.
It's the Live record, from like 2000 or so.
"Mother, and boy…"
Oh no! I hope not!
Jason Bateman plays the new Pa, in an effort to keep his family together.
Both shows feature wild boar.
I actually like Rick and Michonne as equal leader colleagues. I think that balance would be messed up if they became romantically involved.
He has had some major problems in his personal life, such as punching women on buses. That could contribute to his lack of jobs.
I don't think it was Darryl being a kid so much as Darryl being deeply insecure about how he might fit into a civilized society. Before the apocalypse, Darryl was on the outside of polite society, and only during the past couple of years, in this disaster-scape, has he gained respect and admiration. He's afraid that…
Thank you!! Something was bothering me. The settlement is shockingly white.
Yes. I thought this would be the Wire episode listed, for sure.
Well, Benjamin Linus did show up at the end.
And the award categories really need revising. In what world is Orange is the New Black a comedy? Nurse Jackie is a comedy? Transparent is a comedy?
Big Mike was the master of unabashed hilarious product promotion.
About a Boy is definitely a sitcom, and it's much lighter than Parenthood and FNL, but it has a solid cast and it's really pleasant. That has a place, in my opinion.
Parenthood had the unfortunate luck of airing during years when shows like Breaking Bad and Mad Men were dominating the Emmys et. al., and before the award categories were revised to reflect the wide variety of television being made. Oh wait, those revisions haven't happened yet.
I wonder if part of it is watching these episodes with commercials, all cut-up, after streaming P&R episodes on Netflix all winter.
I don't think we're going to see the triplets. This show isn't about them.
Ha, yes, I noticed that too!