
My mind is blown. I love it. And if Netflix makes a 5th season of AD, Sarah Ramos needs to guest, as Egg's cousin, of course.

Wait. Sarah Ramos named her Instagram after Mae Whitman's famous Egg?

Whoa. That might be kind of amazing.

Agreed. Luckily for I didn't see Chuck until after watching Dexter, because her arc would have been way more upsetting, now that I know she is Sarah Walker!

Seriously, Season 9 is extremely funny. (Re: Mac Day: my husband and I drive across the bridge Country Mac jumps off every morning to get to work, and we freaked out the first time we saw it. It is the Strawberry Mansion Bridge.)

And Ron's wife Diane reveals the 5th Cylon!

Maybe he and Leslie will become best friends! Have a Bobby bar, my dad made them.

I think Mark got a bad rap. I agree he didn't really fit in, but he wasn't terrible.

I'm genuinely curious. What industries (where people sat at desks) didn't have computers as of 1995? We didn't have internet, but we had computers.

Sunny, and maybe Veep?

Guys, Peep Show is disappearing from Netflix in a few days. No good!

At the time, it was also this brash, crude show with a juvenile credit sequence on a weird new network that no one took seriously. I'm pretty sure adolescents and teenagers and the MTV viewers were the only people watching Fox at the time.

This is a good point, and to take it further, these are very different types of shows than what viewers with more longevity, let's say, might remember. These shows move much more quickly and rely heavily on editing and reaction shots to help tell a complete story (and the complete B- and C-plots, too) in 22 minutes.

It really is. The US Office is one of the best shows, period, even some episodes from later seasons, when you have to recognize it as a slightly different show (a show that works better in retrospect than it felt at the time). The one where Nellie comes in and takes over the manager position makes me laugh out loud.

Fancy Party is for sure one of my favorite P&R episodes ever, and I have cried pretty much any time I've watched it. "I pretty much hate everything, but I never really seem to hate you."

Or a diminutive elf king!

Dominic West slipped up on the Wire all the time. He is doing better here, but you can still hear it.

God I love this show.

It would be interesting to see a Helen arc. How much of those things did she even say, come to think of it?

I think it's a little bit of both.