
That dress was quintessentially 80s. It looked cool at the time. :/

Inopportune and completely embarrassing: I was going through my first real breakup and saw The Wedding Singer with my two best friends in the theater. Somehow, during the end scene on the plane when Adam Sandler finds Drew Barrymore, I started to cry. My friends made me walk through the theater instead of ducking out

My husband uses that tactic during Sarah McLaughlin's ASPCA commercials. It works pretty well for me. It did *not* work during a recent television show I love ******Spoilers******wilfred.

Vincent Adultman!! “He’s just so tired after his day at the business factory, all he wants to do is watch R-rated movies.”

There was something about last night's episode that reminded me very strongly of JFC, actually (and I loved that show, even though I hadn't been sure if I liked it until the 5th episode). Maybe it was the recognition that I am really starting to like The Leftovers after several episodes of almost stopping because of

Me too. It was a lovely shot though, even though it made me cry, since I've been through that more than once. And I know to each their own, but I thought it was weird that Jenna didn't stay with Wilfred until the end. I've always wanted to stay, so that my friend can hear my voice until they are gone.

It seemed like they also told us at the beginning of "Resistance" (in fact, it was Wilfred himself telling Ryan) not to expect all of the answers in these episodes.

Thank you for the perspective. It's hard to think outside the AVClub/Sepinwall/Gawker critical bubble sometimes.

It's ridiculous. I recently rewatched most of The Office, and I got mad about that all over again.

Yay Adam! (and Robbie and Dave.)

To your point #3:

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." — dead mom's wife to blond girl on living with Big Jim.

I feel like the show has made Drew somehow likeable, lately.

Amen to this!! This was it! The MPDG cliché again. Right down to making fun of a contemporary art show. No one has *ever* done that before, whoa. The rest of the season was so brilliant, and then you get this complete nonsense in the last two episodes. The manic pixie dream woman who gets rid of all his furniture?

Hahaha! I did notice the abundance of expensive candles and thought, who has that many candles just sitting around for spontaneous use?

I called him Walter White.

I'm enamored with what is happening in this season of Louie. My husband and I debated these episodes for a while tonight. We were both left thinking that Louie might well be genius. And we are both looking forward to debating again later.

I really thought that whole scene was a dream sequence, where Louie gets to be the big man and rescue his ex-wife and kids. At no point did I think it was what literally happened.

The whole time I kept wondering how they got 1985 Mary Stuart Masterson.

This show is obviously terrible, but it is delightful. My favorite part was when the poor British guy was overwhelmed by the "very loud" American girls and he said, "American girls don't have inside voices, do they." Hahahah!