
Thank you for this link. I see in the comments that not only did we think Community would never last, but they also think Parks and Rec looks really bad. LOL at 2009 commenters.

Rickon is off at college with Haddie.

“Simpsons did it!”

I'm wondering about that, too — if they would be brave enough to go the miscarriage route. I think it would be interesting and possibly excellent television.

Actually, a lot of people would like to adopt, but adoption has some pretty steep fees attached, around $30K. So it’s not always an option.

Andy actually steps in and gives her good relationship advice at various points throughout the series. Sometimes intentionally; sometimes, not so much. I think it would be hilarious if he did a great job delivering the baby.

I agree with you. However, I don't think this is about Leslie *not* having kids; it's about whether or not having kids will be Leslie’s supreme achievement and destiny. I will be very disappointed if Parks and Rec goes that way.

The Blue Album turns 20 in May?

I agree with you. The show is poorly named. And I don't really see this as Pete’s show. This is the wives’ show, and Pete happens to be there, almost like a very alternate Big Love. The relationships between the wife and ex-wives are one of the best parts of the show. And I say this all as someone who came to the show

That scene with Lip bothered me. Even though Liam was asleep, he is a small child, and it could be traumatizing for him if he woke up and saw or heard something sexual.

OK, I didn't imagine that. I'm surprised it wasn't part of the review.

Shirley and Britta both wearing purple…

Vince Gilligan, and those stacks and stacks of blue Chemistry textbooks.