
In my experience, I have found ammonia is far more noxious than NaOH. At room temperature, scrubbing something with ammonia fills the room with a strong stinky odor whereas NaOH is 100% odorless. If I’m using a damp NaOH degreaser cloth to wipe something down, there is no smell at all.

I once also had a roommate spray a dirty pot lid with oven cleaner foam then wrap it tightly in a plastic garbage bag so it doesn’t evaporate. The next day it washed clean and looked brand new.

I remember hearing Michelle Yeoh herself was a classically trained ballerina before she gave it up due to injuries.

Sir Ben Kingsley confirmed as The Predator? 95% chances this movie also takes place in Christmastime. And I hope we get Val Kilmer w/ a groin gun.

Now playing

And I know just who to cast! He’d be coming hot off his own show that’s wrapping up this year...

I was thinking more like this:

Came here to say exactly this!

Now playing

I agree if only b/c the name “James Whitbrook” is that of a tweedy fiftysomething who drives a Volvo and takes Zocor for his cholesterol.

Lensflare? Check.

John McEnroe: “Why is there no good art here!?!!”

I haven’t used ICQ since 1998 so I have no idea what ICQ is even like these days.

Normally, I’d be a lot sadder that Annalee is leaving. But I am thrilled that she’s joining Ars Technica. I’ve been reading Ars for 14 years and can’t imagine a higher caliber of writer to join their ranks, especially in light of their recent efforts to be a more broad-topic site.

We used to have a somewhat active Odeck on IRC, but in the past year or two, every time I pop back in it’s been dead quiet. I can only imagine the same for the whitenoise IRC.

Behind Closed Ovens isn’t discontinued, I think it’s moved to a different site:

No, but I’ve seen all the trailers and TV spots and they have shown all of the things I’ve described above and it’s simple enough to surmise some broad details.

It’s the rubble of Maz Kanata’s castle after the First Order attack. This is probably when we see Finn use the lightsaber against the Riot Stormtrooper and then Poe Dameron’s X-Wing squadron flies in over the water to save the day. (We’ve seen the reaction shot of Han and Chewie with their hands over their hands

I bought it when they first debuted the print and the cloth feels the thinnest of all the t-shirts I own. I already have so many other shirts, I’d rather just wear something less special for everyday wear-and-tear.