At least one serial rapist. I very much doubt Cosby’s alone.
At least one serial rapist. I very much doubt Cosby’s alone.
Seems like it’s so easy to get laid now all these good looking athletic young guys r getting so much free sex it kills me.
This actually happened in a restaurant!
I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.
I don’t know, I kind of like that they used the term “children.” Because that’s what they are. I feel like calling them “desirable teens” or “desirable young adults” would have made it seem like less of a problem.
This whole situation is fucked up, but the use of the phrase “desirable children” in the Times article, strikes me as being off. Wouldn’t teenagers or young adults been better terms? Just wondering...
This is only tangentially a food story, but it ends up in a Starbucks, so there you go.
Not directly related, but I always found interesting how Colonel Sanders (or “Uncle Kentucky” as he’s known in Japan) is viewed in Japan.
My favorite anecdote is how celebrating Hanshin Tigers Baseball fans threw a local Colonel Sanders prop into a river after winning the Japan Series title in 1985... prompting a…
And hell, there’s a botched butt in the AD. Look how much bigger one side is than the other!
The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to everyone born in the United States
children were given clear instructions: do not touch
“...the presence of pregnant girls will ‘serve as a negative influence to other innocent girls,’”
Finally, I can come out of the closet. I like to eat human flesh. But thank you for accepting me openly and lovingly. I wouldn’t be here, feasting on babies, if it weren’t for the gays.
“Leaders have said the presence of pregnant girls will ‘serve as a negative influence to other innocent girls,’ and ‘encourage’ them to get pregnant,
Quartz notes that violence against women in Sierra Leone is “commonplace,” and rape rarely results in conviction.
So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.
How many Girl Scout Cookies does one need to eat to be turned gay? Because, I mean, I would think if it’s a real effect it would have happened to me by now.
I’m not a death penalty person, but there is a dark place inside me that wants her put to death for this.