
It’s always Mommy’s fault! I just got dumped by a guy who said, and I am not kidding, ‘My mother didn’t hug me as a child.’ I guess that explains why, after 6 months of dating, he denied that we were even dating?

Thanks! But yeah I would really love to see an all-encompassing discussion about healthcare that includes all the little people. The lab techs, yes I’m biased, but also the phlebotomists, the xray techs, the surg techs, the nursing assistants, the medical assistants, the transport staff, I could go on.
I had some great

This has given me the thinks:

Also: Who is she wearing?

omfg this reminds me IT’S LAIKA DAY

My Mom is a Nurse and where should I start? Maybe with the story of how she was the only black Nursing student in her school in the back woods of West Virginia. That she was at the top of her class with all of her fellow students coming to her for help constantly, pissing off the faculty. They ended up failing her

Fuck nursing. I mean, nurses are great. But much like teachers they are getting the shaft. My mom is an O.R. nurse. (And, frankly, a badass.) That profession ruined her body and has given her nothing in return. She’s in her 60s and only works part time these days (Thankfully, out of loyalty, not out of need. My dad

I am a female physician. I did my residency in the 1990s and I remember the nurses as a godsend. We had to run the ER as residents when we were one year out of medical school. It was a busy urban ER and drug overdoses and end stage HIV (it was during the height of the epidemic and there was no great treatment) as well

Why do people do that? I received a “I love him so much and you and I need to get along for his sake” text from the girl he had cheated on me with and then left me for. I replied back that she wasn’t the only girl I’d discovered that he’d cheated with, and if she wanted to keep him she’d probably want to start

You are my hero!

No shit, man. That is like ten carats of What The Fuck Is Wrong With You.

Have a little ambition.

I can’t wrap my brain around taunting the original spouse with a poem. You damn well be Shakespeare’s reincarnation if you want to even consider that shit.

“In her broken English, she scripted several stanzas depicting me, the horrible woman who was crushing her husband’s soul, and she, the “little girl” who was in love with him and wanted to save him. For all the gibberish it contained (and there was A LOT), I was at least grateful to see that she could recognize that

Given that sending someone whose husband left them for you any form of written communication is horseshit, I think this was an appropriate response.

The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.

My sister-in-law, a heroin and barbituate user, gave birth to my nephew while using. He was born full term, weighing very little (can’t remember) and spent the first weeks of his life struggling with seizures and withdrawal - he had to be given opiates to be comfortable. He then spent about four months in a

Servers can technically be considered liable for this, even if they had no way to know the customer was going to drive home rather than take a cab, and even if they were pressured by the restaurant into overserving them. It’s a stupid law, which gives it something in common with virtually all laws pertaining to the