
A few months ago a group was protesting on Capitol Hill. I was out for a jog and headed back to my office when I ran into their protest - poster boards of aborted fetuses (or their imagined approximations, one supposes) and all. I stopped and asked the “gentleman” there why, if he was so pro-life he wasn’t personally

Because the Republicans are a bunch of whiny titty babies who refuse to approve a budget if it doesn’t have the stupid shit they want in it.

These fuckers.

I’m pretty upset with how Jezebel readers are being so incredibly dismissive and actually shitty about this.
Nursing is a predominantly female occupation and as such has routinely been dismissed as a less than vocation for exactly that reason. We have to fight to be taken seriously ALL the time. I get shitty comments

Never go in against a nurse, Joy.

Read that as Whoopi Goldberg tits.

When I was in college about 5 years ago, I almost died after visiting a Catholic clinic; I didn’t know it was Catholic, or maybe I don’t remember, but I didn’t think it would matter in any case (BTW the hospital that ended up saving my life was also Catholic and I knew it, but was apparently less extremist.


All those Republicans losing their minds about the threat of Sharia Law are the very same ones implementing it here.

Is he saying his 9/11 cakes were an inside job?

You know, I’m always worried that going too far with the makeup and hair and pushup bra just ages me... and I think I’m right. When this 18 year-old looks 30, I can’t imagine how sad I would look.

Yes, as did everyone else on staff.

“Who in the name of responsible science is about to shake a roomful of babies to see what happens?”

Google Images is rich and abundant. Well, it had two.

John Carp, I too have experienced the hillbilly pronunciation of mexican food like it’s new and mysterious...


I was way more of a smart-ass when I worked in a bookstore, since my manager was always job hunting and couldn’t have cared less. During the height of the “Twilight” craze, right when the last book and the first movie had been released, we were sent a metric ton of merch, including those SweetHearts chalk-flavored

No, she’s a witch, and she’s in the same coven as Bianca Lawson, who has been playing a teenager for LITERALLY 20 YEARS.

I’m a rebellious sort, so I often go to PP with my kid. When the protestors say stuff, I say “you’re criticizing this child’s mother in front of him. For Shame!” and also “I’m here for routine medical care, which is 97% of what PP does, so go sit in your lawn chair.”