Mercenary Chef

Ive got three of those and I don't hassle women who broke up with my broke ass.

Meanwhile, the rest of us in normal income society, with mental health issues, brain trauma, and or complicated grieving issues are expected to act like adults, and face consequences for our actions.

So Kim’s baby daddy is bullying a multi-platinum, far more talented teenage girl in order to defend a piece of shit whose actions directly caused people’s deaths?

Kanye fans learning quick how it feels to be a Morrissey fan

100%, no way his ego will allow him to miss Coachella, but also no way, his ego allows him to be shown up my Billie...

She doesn’t apologize. Kanye still plays Coachella. Says she apologized. 

The Kennedy Curse only takes the good ones.

Maybe it doesn’t think he’s a real one?

He could date another senator on the DL and find a river. 

Sadly, Justice Handmaiden has never seen a J. Crew catalog, because it’s too trashy. She only shops for clothes from Puritan Power and Amish Weekly, although in the latter case, some of those bonnets are little too distracting to the menfolk in her cult church.

There’s a bullet, small plane or tree on a ski slope out there that’s slacking off on the job.

Again, if your complaint about Biden pledging to nominate a black woman is that your concern is that it goes to the most qualified person, you’re saying no black woman has ever been qualified. So... *checks notes* Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.

“I want...

“Though its unclear what instance Arie’s specifically referencing in regards to Rogan’s “race language,” the podcast host recently came under fire for his ignorant comments about Black Americans just last week...”

I think you’ve missed out on the racism (along with xenophobia) that Rogan has spit while using his “bro”

Trump: I am going to nominate a woman.

None of this is surprising. The comments use all the dog-whistles to get their base riled with the best one being “a product of affirmative action”. In other words, there was no way a black woman could reach her standing without a handout. Never mind that most of Congress was born on 3rd base. Never mind that most

Vaccine denial is not personal freedom. It’s the denier saying he doesn’t give a shit about not just himself but about the vulnerable people around him.

OOOORRRRRRR....... just hear me out on this one..... he is a shitty parent..... and an even worse human being.

So to get this straight, he had asked for a “peanut power plus” smoothie without nuts, for a child with a severe life threatening peanut allergy?  First off, call Child Protective Services because this doofus is a danger to his kid.  Second, can he be that stupid to not understand what a ‘peanut power plus’ smoothie