Roosevelt Boulvard (Rt. 1) going through Northeast Philly. Specifically around the Grant Avenue intersection. This divided, twelve lane monstrosity is a pedestrian nightmare and goombahs like to use the damn road as a drag stip.
I think The Sopranos said it best in terms of my views on Olive Garden. This restaurant "is for those Wonder Bread Wops who eat their Sunday gravy out of a jar."
The e-brake game is the best (drive about 35-40 mph down the block, throw on e-brake, screech tires for a brief moment, alarm pedestrians).
clap clap clap. #COTD
It's about as useful in the house as it is on the road.
how hard could it be?!?
The article failed to mention that the Detroit Department of Transportation is at a loss to understand why the Occupy people are suddenly getting so much attention. They've had people (bus drivers in this case) hanging around doing nothing for years.
Ah Maryland. The land of drivers that like to make right turns from the left lane and wander aimlessly down the avenue as if they are constantly looking for an address.
Just read his book Medium Raw. Would love to sit down and have a mind meld over a stiff drink with this mensch.
I live across the bridge in Arlington, and you echo my EXACT thoughts. I'd hate to be a visitor and try and figure out how to get around. The signage sucks, you can't return from a location the same way you came and the drivers are abhorrent. But I guess a grid pattern would have been too boring.
As a friend of mine affiliated with certain German car circles put it..."all car fans have something: