
D-Pad. Doom 64 is honest-to-God best played with the D-Pad. It is a 2D game in terms of movement.

the game’s movement is entirely 2D, and there is no mouselook. it is as playable with a D-Pad as anything more modern you’d prefer, if not more so. recall that back in the day, most people played Doom with arrow keys + ctrl + the number bar.

again, and i cannot emphasize this enough: Doom is a faux-3D game with

Wait, I’m confused. Doom RPG is a thing, and it’s not like that at all?

Nah. Give ‘em the engine, sell ‘em support.

I mean, I dunno if that’s the case here yet, but it assuredly will be. Software license fees are one-off need, support is a recurring need. It’s either than or sell your software as a subscription, which only really works well when you’re about the size of Microsoft or Adobe

Floods of junk follow mainstream success, nothing else.

agree more than disagree, for sure. the subtle stuff in that game doesn’t get nearly enough credit. knowing that only a couple of people provided the entire voice cast makes it even better.

even then, the poop jokes were very British. American poop jokes tend to be a lot more in-your-face/vulgar/FU MOM! in nature,

yeah, it’s pretty great! not sure why it seems to be so inconsistently acknowledged as even existing.

Conker was mostly improv and Chris Seavor himself has said he’d never do that kind of humor again. even if that weren’t the case, the styles would clash more than compliment. although Conker had plenty of wit, the stuff people remember is sub-Gilbert level childish humor. like, lower than even Deathspank’s jokes. as

not his game, like almost at all. unless “additional design” and “special thanks” are all you need to hear.

what you should be asking for, if anything, is a “real” MI3. get Gilbert on board, maybe pull in Mark Ferrari to do some beautiful low-res art, resurrect the corpse of iMuse, etc.

TBF, he got a HUGE contractual payout when he was replaced by Tommy Lee Jones. Dude can still afford all the Colt .45 he can drink.

so is anyone going to point out that SNKgrish is an established thing? and that this is probably an allusion to it, albeit one that seems to partly miss what separates SNKgrish from plain jane Engrish?

You seem to assume that self-promotion of one’s own handiwork is an obligation, as opposed to letting people speak for the quality of your output. It’s usually better to do the latter, than anything else, especially when making something that is primarily meant for other people. They are the ones whose opinions

Humility, for one. But pedantry is apparently more the point here.

I like to picture them yelling ENGORGE in their finest Picard accent.

Yeah, I mean, I try to go out of my way to be professional and courteous even when it’s undeserved. But considering this was a make-or-break-you second chance and that he apparently made the choice to burn every goodwill bridge he was given by the Valve staff who petitioned for him, the dictionary definition of the

Nah, but keep jerking your brain-dick.

Anyone who enjoys movies is a movie watcher. People who obsess over movies are cinephiles. Anyone who reads is a reader. Anyone who reads lots is a voracious reader. Ergo, anyone who plays games is a gamer, and those who play lots of them are hardcore gamers. Modifiers add nuance,

It’s almost never actually censorship, except in the broadest definition of the term. As always, the type of people who get up in arms about this kind of thing observably have difficulty grasping nuance, preferring to think of everything in their lives in (apparently) binary terms. Further, they tend to only think

[The game is] pretty, for sure, but [it’s] definitely another me-too MOBA in [an] already extremely overcrowded space”

no, a bug free game should cost 27 unicorns, eleventeen mile-high stacks of virginal gold, and the severed head of Santa Claus.

Learning to translate doublespeak like this is an Important Adult Skill.™