
It only took a day for Perry to lose the goodwill and sympathy he had received after the NYT interview and for everyone to remember the guy just sucks.

Don’t call me stupid...

The possibility of playing this with my brothers again, now that we live in different states instead of all being crammed together in front of a small tv in our parents’ living room, makes the Switch version awesome news. Maybe I’ll play multi-player on Switch, and when I want to do the campaign in 00 mode I’ll do

He hates being called Chris? What is it he wants to be called, then?

Did you list Skyrim twice because it’s been released so many damn times?

Gotta say, after playing a lot of Arceus, I watched this trailer and was immediately thinking “ugh, I have to wait and watch the catch animation” and “ugh, there’s going to be a thousand people everywhere I go stopping me and making me battle”. I think Arceus may have ruined me for regular Pokemon games

RBI Baseball was the best baseball game because when you played one of the Canadian teams, they played part of the Canadian anthem before the game.

No Cable Guy? 

Anyone who doubts adults would act like this at a youth sporting program have never coached or been a referee at a youth sporting program. Those parents are psychopaths 

I loved Force Awakens and I’m really looking forward to Ghostbusters... maybe I’m the monster?

Maybe I’m not a deep thinker, but my thought process when I saw this was “Cool, looks fun. I’ll see it when it’s free on Disney +” and then I went about my day assuming everyone else in America felt pretty similar to me about this.

How is it that we have CGI that turns Andy Serkis into any manner of animal, yet we still use prop guns that actually shoot projectiles? Seems like an incredibly unnecessary risk that could be eliminated with easy CGI.

Dear lord - Pokemon fans have found something else that doesn’t matter at all to be ridiculously worked up about? I’m shocked... SHOCKED I SAY!

He’s the only chef I’ve ever watched where I’m rooting for him to accidentally burn himself every episode. He seems incredibly unpleasant and like he’s being forced to be on tv.

I wonder if shiny pokemon will be visible in the wild like Let’s Go or if you will have to encounter them to see?

The “serious knee injury” link just goes to another article that almost says the exact same thing verbatim. I thought there would be more information about what happened to the knee, but instead it just took me to another site with an almost identical story.

They can up the price as much as they want if it gives them the cash to make 4-player online Goldeneye available.

Dear lord, do we have to play this game with every single person? I don’t care what his politics are. I certainly don’t want to hear him try to answer questions about the hot-button issues of the day, so why are people asking. All I want is to hear him randomly shout “THAT’S A ONE-WAY TICKET TO FLAVORTOWN” while I

Cosmo and Wanda? Please?

In Sword/Shield I’m pretty sure there is a Pokemon that is now a ghost because it died out from climate change. A coral thing. Somebody know what I’m talking about?