
i am basically swooning onto a fainting couch rn (lying on my bed but if i had the couch on which to swoon i would do that)

I would have to agree with Sarah Mc. the most!

1) Take care of yourself first and foremost! Eat breakfast, plenty of sleep and exercise. Don't make an excuse not to do these! If you're not doing these - other students will b/c YOU ARE DOING ALL THE WORK.


It's literally just you.

1. Make sure you have a good reason to get a graduate degree. Prestige is not a good reason. Once you have a PhD, no one cares if you have a PhD. Don't get one unless it will increase your salary or job prospects.


The book was not John Green's best, so I don't have high hopes for the movie. Other than the MPDG none of the female characters had any kind of depth, it was kinda disappointing.

Not for nothing, but the book is entirely about deconstructing the manic pixie dream girl trope, and the main character basically learns that projecting his Heroic Male Needs onto an actual human woman with intellectual dimension is pretty dumb. Someone complained to John Green on Tumblr that the trailer seems to have


7 months post double lung transplant CFer here... My life has been literally saved by the donor and doctors involved in my surgery. No idea what transplant options are like in her country, but one would hope she has access to one and has not ruled out trying all medically available alternatives if she changes her

Your words about being "normal" struck extremely close to home for me. As a fellow CF patient, my goal in life is to be normal: to be able to do everything that people without CF can do. I'm fortunate to reside on the mild end of the spectrum, but that doesn't take away the hours of treatments and maintenance just to

I have CF, and reside on the severe end of the spectrum. gotta feel for her.

is the unemployment thing temporary, or have you been unemployed since moving in with him (by choice or otherwise)?

That sounds really annoying and I'm sorry you're going through it! Cleaning stuff is annoying because you're constantly reminded it's a problem. When we first moved in together, my partner—who is from a very "traditional" household—had me doing basically everything and it really fucked me off. Sorry I don't have

Happy Spring every body!

Relationship whine: my partner doesn't clean. I don't mean he leaves dishes in the sink overnight; I mean he hasn't spontaneously cleaned anything more than once a year in the entire time I've known him, and he's never actually fully finished cleaning anything without my help, ever. He's funny, and kind, my absolute

That snowboarded in the middle of nowhere made me so happy. I love people who are just loving life and killing it.

I haven't taken the quiz yet, but I was thinking that I am also a hybrid obliger-questioner. And upon thinking that, I realized how doomed I am! On the one hand, if doing or not doing something will only hurt me, meh! On the other hand, if it doesn't make enough sense to me or doesn't seem just, fuck that! I'll do

At this point I have pregnancy ambivalence. I think I really could go either way. On one hand, I'd like a family. I think being a mother could be a good choice for me. On the other, I generally detest children and really like having enough money to pay rent AND eat food.

oh hai Jezebel. I just want you to know that i love Lisa so much and i did not hiiiit her i did how's your sex life?

All I picture is: