
They forgot this one:

It really sucks, paid time off is not lazy!

I don't know where you were working (maybe a university?), but it's more like 4 weeks of holidays per year from the beginning, and then it increases the longer you work at a place.

I think one of the most important things from this is not debating whether she made it all about her.

My boyfriend has needed a lot of training on the cleaning and tidying side, and I'm not even a very clean person. He was never expected to clean when he was younger, and once I called him out when he got his sister to do his ironing for him. His mother's response? "___ contributes to the household in his own ways, he

First of all, I think it's strange that your boyfriend's coworker gave him the book when he clearly has a girlfriend and is not single. I would definitely judge any guy who takes that book seriously, because it's so lame. I ended up reading it out of curiosity, and it came in handy a couple of times when I was single

That's impressive that you want to go back for a second masters! There is now way that you could drag me to study again, no matter what the subject.

Yes, I am so bad at picking too. The only way I can stop is if I have clear skin, I never touch my face then, but there have been very little occasions where that has happened since I was about 16. I do it when I'm anxious, mostly. I've been less anxious lately so it's been better. But I think I managed to scar my

My thesis is in psychology. I was working and studying too, but once my job contract finished I just focused on my studies.

Yup, same here. My skin is better, but I still get spots and places where I had spots are red/are taking forever to heal. Why is it such a horrible battle? It just seems like such a simple problem (inflamed clogged pores) should have a simple solution.

In between handing in my thesis and my defence, I napped like I'd never napped before. It feels good not to have such a heavy cognitive burden weighing you down.

Congratulations! It's such a good feeling. Good luck with the revisions, you're so nearly there!

I'm Curious about what things she put you on? I was just put on antibiotics and told if they don't work or if the acne comes back when I'm off them, then accutane. And I know the acne will come back because it always does.

I know exactly how you feel. I had a really similar experience with my dermatologist and it is so disheartening. She did not care about my cystic acne complaints and accused me of picking my skin when really it's the terrible cystic acne I've had that is causing the scars.

I have been doing this for a month after handing in my thesis. What worries me is how easily I can do this every day. I need a job!

I agree. When somebody comes out with a healthy message, there is no need for snark.

Dammit, now I want cheetos!

Most of the pictures of me as a child are me with my mouth wide open. I didn't understand that people say 'cheese' to smile, and I would shout some strange version of 'chaaaheese', leading to the wide mouth opening.

Same! I get the added delight of chilblains though, when I go from having freezing feet to putting them on a radiator to get warm. They itch a lot.

This is very useful, but the symptoms sound really similar to a panic attack. Does anybody have any tips on distinguishing between them?