
Thank you - I have looked this up thanks to your suggestion and it looks very promising - going into town to buy a supplement of it now, feeling hopeful about it!

Thanks for your reply, I'm sorry to hear about your problems with thinning hair too - it's just so frustrating. Have you had a look at the replies from others? There's been some very good suggestions, some which I already use (Rogaine) and some which I haven't but will give a try. Good luck, I hope it gets better for

PCOS really sucks, doesn't it. I'm sorry that you have it too. It's on a funny part of the spectrum where it causes really annoying problems like acne but that aren't considered that 'serious' so doesn't warrant that much sympathy from doctors (in my experience). But you're right about looking on the bright side, I

Thanks for your message, I appreciate the love. Unfortunately there is a genetic link - but that doesn't mean you'll definitely get it, and I hope you don't, it does suck. I also use the men's version of Rogaine - in fact, the pharmacist refused to sell it to me the other day since I'm a girl so I had to get my

Thanks for your reply! I have been referred to a dermatologist by my doctor so I think they will put me on spironolactone when I eventually (it takes ages over here) see them. I'm a bit worried about the side effects of spirolactone, did you notice any yourself?

Thank you for your reply - I will definitely check Biosil out, it seems worth a try!

When I was 21, I had never had a boyfriend and was living with three girls - two who had been in long term relationships since their teens, and another who started going out with her first boyfriend that year and promptly disappeared. They made me feel so bad about having been single since forever, saying things like

Hey jezzies, I posted a similar question a few weeks ago but didn't get a reply so thought I might try again. I was wondering if any of you suffer from thinning hair/androgenetic alopecia either on its own or as a side effect of polycystic ovary symdrome (PCOS)? I'm in my 20's and have had thinning hair since my late

I know, I think there's some kind of getting-ready time warp. Some days I can do it in 20, other days I take 40. Planning my outfit the night before helps a lot because my morning brain can be very slow at deciding what to wear. I normally manage to get my makeup done before I leave the house but sacrifice breakfast

I am so similar to you! I have improved with punctuality lately but tend to get very anxious on the way to things about being on time, and when you're dependent on tubes and buses it can be difficult to control. I was talking with my friend about it and we decided there are four subtypes of people:

You can only get one strength in Europe - I think it was 2%?

Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try.

I think nizarol works for me - I was using it in conjunction with rogaine for a year, then I ran out and didn't buy any more (just used rogaine) and a few months my hair started getting thin again so now I'm back on it. I don't know if it caused shedding because I started it alongside rogaine but many effective

Fellow acne sufferer here - what product helped your facial acne?

I second this question please, I am in a similar hair situation and would like to find out what works for others.


Calling all Jezzies with androgenetic alopecia: what works for you? I was diagnosed with it last year and I got started on rogaine 5% and my hair started getting thicker and I was happy enough and have used it religiously since. Then last month I began to notice that it was feeling thinner and I found a small bald

I first went for acupuncture for migraines about 8 years ago for about six months. I found that it really helped them, as after about 2 months of receiving acupuncture I was hardly getting any anymore. Last year I started getting bad migraines again so I went back to acupuncture. This time, it took me about 3 months

An ex of mine actually believed his sperm had that power, along with the power to trick pilled-up ovaries into ovulating at the same time. Doucheschnozzle.

You also don't need your right ovary, I don't have mine and old lefty has taken over full time.