
She’s the most exonerated politician in maybe the whole history of the world. I think any effort to promote public knowledge about the often criminal conspiracies to defame and destroy her from 1992 to this very day is worthwhile. I’m going to watch it.

Stop asking Hillary to “fade into obscurity/go away”. She doesn’t owe you jack shit. Election win or no, she’s still arguably the most prominent female politician in the country, save Pelosi, Warren and maybe AOC. That’s an interest all the whining in the world won’t erase. And claiming she’s going to ‘lose us the

I’ll be the rare one. I voted for Hillary because I’d admired her for decades. I remember being a little kid and visiting my extended family in Arkansas and hearing the adults talk about how scandalous it was that she hadn’t taken Bill’s name until pressed to do at Bill’s second go round as Governor. 6 year old me,

My feeling is that if we’re choosing between two people with similar views and strengths, let’s get the one who is slightly younger, demonstrably healthier, and breaks a glass ceiling. And who has a demonstrated ability to learn and grow. This whole “Bernie was OG!” thing irritates me because he doesn’t really seem as

he’s not, that’s the myth he’s pointing out.

Agreed. And my sense of it is that Warren has a better chance to rally the largest possible portion of it, compared to both Biden and Sanders. My one worry is that too many people will insist on letting the “perfect” be the enemy of the good, when it comes to going Bernie or Bust. 

If the script is what going negative looks like,

The line about being highly educated really ground my gears. Like having a good education/good job is a liability. Trump and his bastion of idiots are the anti-intellectuals. Don’t use their playbook. Why would you even entertain such a thing when it’s absolutely possible to have multiple degrees and still be less

We need to turn out disaffected working-class voters if we’re going to defeat Trump.”

Since when do “more affluent” people go for Warren? Aren’t they all having a nervous breakdown that she’s going to take away .000001% of their net worth for such follies as health care and disability access? And don’t she and Bernie pretty much agree on 95% of everything?

Except he doesn’t flee when doing interviews with the likes of Colbert or the Jimmies where they not only show the audio, but also the visual of the clips, then Driver deconstructs it afterward. He was given the opportunity to remove his headphones. I think he didn’t like the clip (which is his team’s responsibility,

He had the option to not listen to the clip. But instead of exercising this reasonable option, he chose to leave. He chose the more unreasonable option, so of course the producer wonders why.

It really irritates me that Rebecca left out the part where the Fresh Air producer said that they let Driver know in advance when the clip was coming up, prompted him to remove his headphones, and had the producer in New York (where Driver’s part of the conversation was recorded- Terry Gross records in Philadelphia)

Now playing

Eh, to quote Samuel L. Jackson, “If you can’t watch it, why should someone pay $13.50?”

I’m not in the least bit surprised at this. The Young Turks and other Youtubers (in particular the young white male leftist youtubers) are the reason that Bernie has the following that he has; at least among that subset of his supporters that we can easily classify as Bernie Bros.

LOL, the only thing you can point to happened decades ago. Can you name anything Bernie has done recently for minorities? Neither can he:

Well this site didn’t report it but just last week Bernie had to fire someone he’d just hired who turned out to be a homophobe.

No part of me believes that Bernie has any interest in doing better. He’s made it perfectly clear that he’s not interested in confronting racism and sexism in specific ways.