
chiropractortory is a complete fucking scam. His parents are clearly wackaloons that don’t believe in science.

To any health care professional or teacher who saw what was going on and did nothing: they should lose their licenses at a bare minimum, if not face jail time.

The parents let this poor child die a horrible, agonizing death. I felt sick just reading about it. 

This is literally in the ABQ Journal linked. They had access to the internet. Dad loved to post anti-mask and COVID-denying articles on Facebook. If you can access Facebook, you can Google. If dad had spent some time researching financial assistance for cancer patients instead of reading and sharing anti-mask articles

Though the lack of universal healthcare in this country is a travesty, this boy’s tragic death isn’t entirely due to it. From the Albuquerque Journal:

I have seen people go into debt to treat their cat’s cancer. You take on the debt to save the life of your child, whom you are responsible for keeping alive, and figure it out later. There are lots of organizations that offer financial assistance for cancer patients, and many hospitals will write off hospital bills as

Sorry but no. This is neglect. This is not okay. Is it awful that healthcare is so expensive & difficult to access in our country? Yes, of course! But you don’t LET YOUR CHILD DIE because you’re scared of debt. You take on the debt. You ask the hospital if they can write off your medical bills as charity for

Being skinny is fascist now?

Wow this is quite bold of you Esther but I have to wonder is there anyone else who you may have misjudged? Say a prominent politician who was accused of something far more serious that ultimately turned out to a ratfucking operation perpetuated by a perjurer who had been grifting off her association with him without

The DNC is involved...?

Mmm, this is the anti-suffrage argument, i.e. “Why let women vote? They’ll just vote the way their fathers do.” I don’t agree with women who vote Republican, but I still accept that they have brains capable of reasoning.

I would argue that young women vote Republican because they know their financial futures are tied up with white supremacy. Also, their fathers voted Republican and their fathers privilege allowed them access to privilege themselves. Republicanism assures that they as white women will not have to compete equally with

I feel like this discussion has been had before, on a specific date. I’m trying to recall what it was .... I want to say it was March 3rd of this year.

It’s another click bait article.

A search of this article returns no results for “2018" or the term “mid-term” or “midterms”.

I notice the stated grievance here is not that Gawker was framed; or that a billionaire bribed the Federal judge so the case would go a certain way; or that a jury was bought; there is no claim that the legislature was lobbied to change the law in order to create a cause of action where none previously existed; there

Still framing the Gawker demise as “a billionaire with a vendetta financing a lawsuit,” like Gawker didn’t deserve to lose the lawsuit?

I don’t disagree that class is an issue. I don’t disagree that there are no perfect victims. I don’t even disagree that she has lived a hard and sad life.

There is a definitely a conversation around how victims are portrayed and class intersects that, but it would be nice if Jezebel or any other outlet that pushes that narrative would at least be honest about some of their framing around Reade. It’s not that “she had economic issues, so clearly she’s lying”, its the