$200k is a great salary, but it’s technically not “rich.” It’s upper middle class. Crazy, right? I was surprised to discover that my $100k+ salary in LA was considered “middle class.” I thought I had finally hit the big time! lol
That “Puerto Rican or Haitian” line was used often back in the 90s and 2000s, eh?
I got teary when Joe revealed the treehouse to Pee Wee! What a wonderful movie.
No waaaaay. I can’t beliiiieeeve it.
heeeeere we go
Latinos just fucking love hot cheetos. It should be an official part of our diet.
Kinja gave me a whopping 26 notifications of your first comment to me! It’s trippin’ tonight.
Can’t the south just secede? -_-
Fuck this world with a giant stick.
Because you don’t have daddy issues!
My god these men sound horrible.
Wut? No nintendo.
You’re right. Ted Cruz is the one who looks evil :-O
Of course it is! This is Jezebel, after all.
He looks downright evil!
This is reaching, in my opinion. Then again, the internet always loves to reach.